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Andrew’s regularly appears in Immigration and Asylum Chamber including the Upper Tribunal on cases involving deportation, EEA regulations and points based systems appeals.Andrew also specialises in Employment Law as he gains increasing work in this domain. He has acted successfully for a number of claimants and his key areas of expertise include the Discrimination and the Equality Act 2010, Constructive and Unfair Dismissal, Redundancy and Whistle Blowing. He also provides talks and seminars on such matters.
With his renowned approach for thoroughness and attention to detail, Andrew has appeared in every domestic tribunal from the Magistrates Court, through to the House of Lords. Andrew acted for the Appellant in what is still the leading case on the imposition of Hospital Orders in conjunction with mandatory life sentences (R v Drew).He boasts a heavy criminal caseload including cases of the highest complexity and seriousness such as multi-handed conspiracies to supply class A drugs, complex fraud cases, murder and rape cases. He is regularly instructed by the Crown Prosecution Service's Complex Casework Unit to handle difficult and high profile multi-handed conspiracies including cases with international jurisdictional issues. Andrew appears as a Leading junior in cases for both the Crown and the Defense.Andrew also has a particular specialism in the field of public interest immunity, a field in which he is viewed as one of the leading practitioners on the Wales Circuit and one in which he has represented almost every local authority within Wales including presenting arguments regarding public interest immunity in the Court of Appeal.
Ben specialises exclusively in personal injury work, representing both claimants and defendants. He has particular experience in dealing with Employers Liability, Public Liability and Road Traffic Accidents and undertakes an increasing amount of high value work often involving brain and spinal injuries as well as orthopaedic injuries causing post-traumatic degenerative change, joint replacement or resulting in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Ben’s practice is now exclusively Multi track and he is regularly instructed to draft complicated Schedules of Loss and attend Costs and Case Management Hearings and is often consulted in relation to preparation of Costs Budgets. He also undertakes CICA Appeals and Coroners Inquests.Ben has spent the last 15 years undertaking personal injury work as a result of which he is able to identify the main issues in a case very quickly. He has a good manner with clients and is easy to work with. Over the years he has developed a practice that is built around repeat instructions from a number of local and national solicitors many of whom send him all of the work that they have in South Wales. He also receives repeat instructions from some of the largest personal injury firms in the country. Ben is flexible in the way that he works and willing to travel to suit the client, often undertaking conferences at solicitors offices and occasionally at clients homes or business premises. Ben is willing to work to fixed fees or charge by the hour.
Formerly a solicitor with one of Greater Manchester's leading law firms, Byron returned to his native Wales in 2001 and transferred to the Bar in 2002.His practice is predominantly in criminal and regulatory law. He regularly acts for both defence and prosecution in cases of serious sexual offending, both historic and contemporary, as well as cases of violence, child cruelty, drugs importation, serious fraud and dishonesty.His regulatory work on behalf of Local Authorities and other agencies includes: licensing, housing, food safety/labelling, animal welfare and planning violations. He was also part of the prosecuting team that prosecuted Tudor foods following the e-coli breakout of 2005.Byron also specialises in proceedings brought under the POCA 2002 and has acted in this regard on behalf of defence and prosecution, including the Serious Organised Crime Agency and regulatory bodies.Byron is a grade 4 prosecutor and is in addition on the serious sexual offences panel.Byron is also a fluent Welsh speaker.
Hall of fame
Caroline is a member of our Crime@30 team and one of the 'go to' counsel in Wales practising as a specialist in serious crime. Caroline advises and represents both Prosecution and Defence.Caroline has a particular specialism in cases concerning serious sexual offending and has notable expertise in trials concerning allegations of historical sexual abuse and multi complainant cases. Caroline has received instructions for a significant number of high profile criminal cases such as trafficking of persons into and within the UK for purposes of sexual exploitation and serious cases with unusual factual backgrounds and evidence. She is a highly skilled advocate with extensive experience in dealing with cases concerning young and /or vulnerable witnesses and the use of special measures, including intermediaries.Her practice also includes other serious criminal offences including homicide and drugs conspiracies arising from large scale police operations . Caroline is regularly instructed in large and complex cases and is very well equipped to deal with the particular demands of cases which require strong leadership combined with collaborative team work.Caroline is a Grade 4 CPS Prosecutor and approved counsel for rape and serious sexual offences prosecution.She is fluent in the Welsh Language and able to conduct conferences and cases through the medium of the Welsh language
The majority of Catherine’s work now spanning across a 25 year period involves significant complex cases and high net worth financial dispute cases. Catherine is frequently enlisted against leading counsel thanks to her substantial experience.Catherine is usually instructed by local authorities in order to conduct complex and demanding public law cases dealing almost exclusively with sexual abuse, physical abuse, infant/child death and severe neglect. Whilst undertaking a substantial amount of local authority work she is also instructed by parents and guardians.Catherine also undertakes ancillary relief work which includes complex cases involving high net worth disputes, businesses and farming cases.Catherine also undertakes cases in SEN tribunals for Local Education Authorities.
Catrin practises primarily in the area of family law and is a well regarded practitioner often conducting complex cases alongside and against leading counsel.She has predominantly been instructed to represent Local Authorities and Children’s Guardians in complex cases involving serious sexual and physical abuse of children and has earned a reputation for being well prepared and robust.Catrin has appeared in lengthy trials on alleged non-accidental injuries and issues of parenting impaired by mental or fabricated illness.She is also Instructed by Local Authorities in cases under the Mental Health Act such as the displacement of a nearest relative.
Whilst Charles’ practice encompasses the broad spectrum of Chancery work, and, notably, Probate, Real Property and Trusts, he also has considerable experience in associated fields of commercial work, and in defamation. He has been instructed extensively by public and local authorities (particularly by the WDA and its predecessor bodies) in significant Planning and Compulsory Purchase matters, and is one of the few members of the Bar based in Wales to be a member of the Compulsory Purchase Association, (and is a member of its Wales Steering Group).He has extensive experience in professional regulatory work and currently sits as a Legal Assessor to the Nursing and Midwifery Council, (having previously been a member of the panel of Legal Assessors to the Professional Conduct Committee of its predecessor professional body, the UKCC).As one of the leading juniors in Wales on the panel of the Official Solicitor, (when the O.S. accepted nominations in private law children cases) Charles acquired a solid base of experience in a representative capacity in child care work.
Christian’s core specialisms lie in fraud, environmental and regulatory law (and the interface between their criminal and civil elements), and also in administrative law (focused on immigration and asylum law and environmental law).Christian’s criminal practice focuses on fraud, environmental and regulatory law. With a multi-disciplinary background, Christian has a particular interest in subsidiary confiscation and asset recovery under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and the related areas of property and chancery law with which it interacts, including matrimonial and cohabitee finance, inheritance, and insolvency. His practice is best represented by R v Morgan [2013] EWCA Crim. 1307, [2014] 1 All E.R. 1208, [2014] Env.L.R. 5, [2013] Lloyd's Rep FC 655, an appeal arising from an environmental prosecution, which concerned the interface between criminal confiscation, environmental regulation, landfill tax and the effect of Article 1, Protocol 1 to the ECHR. He appears not only in the criminal courts in relation to such matters, but also the County Court, High Court, and related Tribunals. He also writes, blogs and lectures on the interface between criminal confiscation and other areas of law. He is recommended in the Legal 500 2017 for his criminal law practice as Tier 1.Christian’s distinct public law practice is immigration and environmental law based. A longstanding member of the Wales Working Party of the UK Environmental Law Association, Christian was elected to its National Council in 2017 with special responsibility for Wales. An experienced practitioner in all aspects of Immigration, Asylum and Human Rights law, he regularly appears before the High Court, and before both tiers of the Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber).
Christian J Howells is a public law specialist.  He is on the Counsel General for Wales’ B Panel and the Attorney General’s Regional B Panel.  He is ranked in the Legal 500 as a leading junior in public law, described as “tenacious with a very sharp intellect”.  He has extensive experience in the higher courts, including the Administrative Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.  He is instructed on behalf of claimants, local authorities, the Home Department, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Defence and several charities.  So far in 2018:He appeared in the Supreme Court and overturned the Court of Appeal’s reasoning relating to the best interests of the child and deportation under s117C(5) of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 in IT (Jamaica) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2018] UKSC 53, [2018] 1 WLR 5273;He successfully challenged Northamptonshire County Council’s decision to close 21 libraries in R (WX) v Northamptonshire County Council [2018] EWHC 2178 (Admin);He is instructed on behalf of 300 Welsh and Northern Ireland victims in the Infected Blood Inquiry;He acted for the claimant in a claim against the Welsh Ministers challenging the lawfulness of the policy on funding further education for young people with learning difficulties; R (DJ) v Welsh Ministers [2018] EWHC 2735 (Admin).Permission to appeal has been granted.
Claire is a member of the Criminal Team, having specialised in Criminal law since completion of her pupillage in 2000.She is instructed by both the Prosecution and the Defence in a wide range of cases dealing with serious violent offences, complex dishonesty offences, serious and historic sexual offences and drug conspiracy offences. She has significant experience of high value Proceeds of Crime cases and is often instructed in cases that attract significant media attention.Claire is recognised for her thorough preparation and clear and concise advocacy within the Court room. She is well known for being approachable both to her professional and lay clients.She takes her responsibility as a Criminal Advocate very seriously, understanding that it can be a difficult journey for all of those involved, striving to make it as smooth a journey as possible both for her professional client and her lay client.Claire is a Grade 4 Prosecutor and member of the Rape and serious sexual offences panel.
Claire is an experienced family law practitioner and is a member of the Family@30 and Public@30 teams. In the main, she is instructed by Local Authorities in all types of complex cases, including those involving serious allegations of physical and sexual abuse. In addition, she has a wealth of experience of representing parents, interveners, guardians, foster carers and prospective adopters.  She has undertaken cases in her own right in the High Court and the Court of Appeal and has appeared in cases where other parties are represented by Queens Counsel.Claire also practices in the field of Education Law. She has represented Local Education Authorities, parents and learners at tribunals relating the admissions and Special Educational Needs. She is also able to advise in respect of all matters relating to the duties and functions of schools and LEAs including judicial review. Claire is also a fluent Welsh speaker and can conduct cases through the medium of Welsh.
Colin is a popular and experienced family practitioner, specialising in proceedings concerning children. He practices in both public and private law work with particular emphasis on care proceedings. Colin is well regarded with an established reputation. He is currently recognised by Chambers UK as a notable practitioner.Colin represents local authorities, parents, Children’s Guardians, children and other members of the extended family at all court levels and at all stages of proceedings, including finding of fact hearings and final hearings. He has experience in cases concerning serious allegations of physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect and often represents vulnerable clients presenting with a variety of personality disorders and learning difficulties.Colin has strong client-care skills. His manner with clients, both professional and lay, is personable and thorough. Colin endeavours to assist them through court proceedings and hearings with conscientious and firm representation.
David joined chambers in 2007, prior to which he had been in full-time practice at the Gibraltar Bar. He has a broad common law, commercial and public law practice.Commercial and contractual litigation probably makes up the largest single element of David’s practice. He appears and advises in building disputes, disputes arising out the sale of businesses (including the sale of intellectual property rights), unfair prejudice proceedings, partnership disputes, denied boarding claims, commercial lease disputes and commercial disputes in the sporting context. He is a committee member of the Wales Commercial Law Association.David appears for and advises claimants in actions against the Police, and for both claimants and defendants in commercial disputes and professional negligence and personal injury claims.He has a strong interest in information and intellectual property law. He is a member of the Welsh Assembly’s panel of counsel for intellectual property matters, and advises on issues relating to privacy and data protection as well as more conventional intellectual property matters.David has an active defamation practice, one of the few barristers based outside London to regularly practice in this field. His experience includes defamation cases involving social media and in the local government context, and he has advised defendants in a number of cases involving Gibraltar government ministers. David authored the joint response of Public Law Wales and the Wales Commercial Law Association to the Government’s consultation on the draft Defamation Bill, and has regularly given talks on defamation.David’s public law practice involves advising public bodies and potential claimants and appearing on behalf of both claimants and defendants in judicial review actions. He also appears in cases involving mental health issues. In this, he builds on his experience in Gibraltar, where he was involved in many of the most important Constitutional cases and where he continues to be active in public law. David appears in planning and village green inquiries and appeals.David has a keen interest in housing law, in particular in social housing. Much of his public law work in Gibraltar relates to social housing, and he is experienced in Wales in using public law arguments to resist possession claims in social housing cases. He has also given a lecture on the Housing (Wales) Act.He has given evidence to both the Welsh Assembly’s Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee’s inquiry into the establishment of a separate Welsh jurisdiction, and also to the Welsh Government’s consultation on the same subject. He is a committee member of Public Law Wales.David’s employment law practice involves appearing for both Claimants and Respondents in the Employment Tribunal. He also acts in employment-related cases in the ordinary civil courts, for example in confidential-information or restraint of trade cases. David is an elected member of Liberty's national policy council.David speaks fluent Spanish as well as excellent French and good Italian.
Gareth was called to the Bar in 1991 and has formidable experience in all areas of public and private law. He appears for parties in public and private law cases of all classifications (from abuse to neglect) and represents applicant local authorities, parents, grandparents, children and third party intervenors. He appears in legally complex and factually sensitive matters and represents both alleged adult and child perpetrators in cases of physical and sexual abuse.He is thorough in his preparation of cases and is conscientious in his representation of clients. He is also approachable, and readily assists professional clients mid proceedings. Court proceedings are a difficult time for lay clients, many of whom have inherent, highly complex issues to deal with. Gareth has considerable experience assisting clients with personality disorders, drug and drink dependencies, as well as learning issues.Gareth is aware that in many cases a barrister is only periodically involved in a case and should not assume a client's trust. He is able to quickly build confidence and makes particular effort to ensure that clients know they are being listened to and their case is both understood and is being wholeheartedly represented.Families and litigants also have to endure, long after court cases conclude. Gareth is particularly aware of the need for great sensitivity in the cases in which he appears.It is in that context that he strives to give clear and sound legal advice.
Gareth is a member of our Civil@30, Family@30 and Public@30 teams.  Chancery & Commercial Gareth is regularly instructed across a broad range of chancery and commercial matters including breach of contract, construction disputes, landlord and tenant and debt. He has extensive trial experience in the County Court and High Court. Gareth is regularly instructed to advise and appear in respect of a wide range of civil applications.   Cohabitee & Matrimonial Finance Gareth has a rapidly expanding matrimonial finance practice and has acted in a wide range of cases from low value to the most complex. He has recently been instructed in high value matters including farm cases involving the division of assets in excess of £1million. Family & Child Care Gareth has quickly developed a busy practice representing parents in private law matters. He has extensive experience acting in cases involving serious allegations of a physical and sexual nature . He regularly appears before the FPC and County Court in respect of care proceedings. Gareth has experience acting for both local authorities and parents at final hearing and is frequently instructed to act for clients in Family Law Act matters. Immigration & Asylum Gareth regularly appears before the First and Upper Tier Tribunals in respect of a range of Immigration and Asylum appeals. He has a particular interest in Asylum cases and will happily travel to conduct hearings across the United Kingdom. Gareth has experience attending Field House and The Royal Courts of Justice. Over the last three years he has represented numerous Gurkha veterans and their dependants with their appeals outside the Immigration Rules. Gareth has recently delivered CPD accredited talks in respect of the development of fairness and Home Office policies. Personal Injury & Clinical Negligence Gareth undertakes a wide range of personal injury work at Fast Track and Multi Track level for both Claimants and Defendants. He has extensive trial experience and has conducted a number of high value appellant cases. Gareth is happy to undertake work on a Conditional Fee Agreement basis. He has experience advising on particularly complex brain injury matters and has acted in Coroners Inquests.
Harriet represents Local Authorities, parents, children and Children’s Guardians at all levels of court including the High Court. She specialises in care work and as such, cases involving non accidental injuries, death, neglect and sexual abuse.Harriet has a sensible and realistic approach to cases and is particularly proficient and considerate when dealing with difficult and vulnerable clients such as those with learning disabilities, psychiatric or personality / psychological disorders.
Hoa draws upon his experience from previous years of practice in the fields of family, local council regulatory, and criminal law and channels it exclusively in his focus to the area of immigration. He is a specialist in all matters appearing before the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal and has appeared in representation of appellants including former diplomats against decisions of the State as well as on behalf of the Secretary State in judicial review proceedings.His multi-disciplinary background offers a more rounded approach and ability to engage with a variety of cases including: deportation, illegal workers, lawfulness of detention, bail, family and private right claims, personal and commercial visas, as well as asylum and refugee claims. Indeed, born in the UK of refugee parents who settled following the conflict in Vietnam 1970s, he offers a unique insight and no under-estimation of the importance of each and every case.Approachable and engaging, Hoa fully appreciates the necessity for a quick turnaround when advice is sought and strives always to offer informed realistic and practical solutions.Hoa is fluent in spoken Cantonese.Hoa recently took a sabbatical year to pursue his passion in setting up a food business which currently employs a number of people. As the enterprise is now running smoothly, Hoa returned to Chambers with wider commercial insight and full vigour.
Huw Evans originates from Carmarthen, was called to the Bar in 1985 then served as an Officer in the Royal Navy, completed his pupilage in Swansea and commencing practice in Cardiff in 1989. He joined 30 Park Place in 2005. He is a specialist criminal practitioner with an even mix of prosecution and defence work.Huw was one of the youngest ever grade 4 Prosecutors to be appointed.When defending he takes seriously his obligation to “fearlessly represent the interests of his clients” whilst always endeavoring to provide realistic, robust and frank advice.He is much in demand in respect of fraud and other document heavy complex cases, both within the UK and internationally, but will undertake cases in all areas of crime. It has been said that he brings to the table “honesty and commitment” which instills confidence in those he represents and has an ability to simplify evidential material in a way that allows for a clear understanding of the issues in even the most difficult and daunting cases.Huw has experience in Courts Martial and Police Disciplinary Work. He regularly prosecutes offences involving large scale drug production and distribution and undertakes complex applications under proceeds of crime and public interest immunity legislation.
Hall of fame
James Tillyard has been in silk since 2002. James is Head of the Family@30 team. He has considerable experience in all aspects of Family Law but in particular care and matrimonial money. James is also a member of the Public@30 team.
Jeffrey is a member of our Crime@30 team. He has a thorough approach to case preparation and advocacy at all times, no matter how simple or complex the case may be.He has over 30 years' experience from grass root level and has appeared as an advocate in all courts, including the Court of Appeal.He is highly ambitious, argues cases strongly and sensibly at all times. He is popular with clients and works effectively as part of a team.  He is a Grade 4 prosecutor and on the Rape Panel. He undertakes Legal Aid cases but is increasingly being instructed privately.
Julia joined Chambers in 2018 after relocating to Cardiff from Plymouth. Julia is an experienced criminal practitioner who has a mixed criminal and regulatory practice. Julia prosecutes and defends across a wide range of offences. She is known for her thorough preparation and attention to detail which has led to instructions in complex cases involving fraud, money laundering, drugs, violence and sexual offences. Julia is a Level 4 Prosecutor and a member of the Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Panel. Julia has ten years’ experience in regulatory law. Julia has been regularly instructed by prosecuting agencies in relation to a range of cases which include health and safety, statutory nuisance, environmental and food safety. Julia’s previous cases have included prosecuting food safety offences following reported incidents of contaminated food and offences following routine inspections. Julia also has experience of taxi licensing including breaches of bye-laws and appeals following removal of licences. Prior to starting her career at the Bar Julia worked in a solicitor’s firm gaining a valuable insight into the needs of both professional and lay clients. Her experience has proved beneficial when dealing with vulnerable defendants and witnesses, being able to assist them through the trial process.
Juliet is a senior member of our Family@30 team, accepting instructions in all Children Act cases but principally in public child law.She receives instructions from all interested parties including parents, family members, local authorities, guardians and those against whom serious allegations are made. Her experience in criminal law of conducting grave cases including murder, child killing, child rape and other cases of serious violence and sexual mistreatment of children is particularly valued.
Katy is a member of our Family@30 team and has excellent working relationships based upon trust and confidence.When representing local authorities she is fully aware of the internal procedures and decision making protocols that will have an impact upon the timetable for the child. When acting on behalf of parents or extended family members Katy is always sensitive to the needs of all her clients who may be vulnerable. At a very difficult stage in their lives, she provides them with realistic advice whilst ensuring that they feel that their case is being properly advanced.Katy is conscious of the pressures faced by instructing solicitors upon time and resources. She is always accessible to those instructing her at all stages of the case to discuss matters arising during the course of the proceedings which may serve to reduce time and costs. Following any hearing she ensures that instructing solicitors receive prompt and useful feedback. By adopting this client focused approach she has built a busy practice and regularly receives repeat instructions.
Laura became a tenant at 30 Park Place in 2017 following successful completion of her pupillage where she expanded her knowledge and gained experience across all of Chambers’ practice areas. Since becoming a tenant, Laura has developed a busy Criminal, Civil and Public Law practice. As part of her criminal practice, Laura regularly appears in the Crown Court, Magistrates’ Court and Youth Court. She prosecutes regularly for the CPS and her ability has also been recognised in her approval as a Level 2 Crown Prosecution Service Advocate Panel advocate after just over a year since being taken on as a tenant. Laura is also happy to accept instructions in respect of Local Authority prosecutions for licensing, planning, and enforcement matters. Laura has experience in a wide range of cases including sexual offences, violent and public order offences, drugs, dishonesty and fraud offences and Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 proceedings. As part of her Civil Practice Laura regularly represents both Claimants and Defendants in Small Claims and Fast Track Trials, CCMCs, and applications. Her Public Law practice is rapidly developing particularly in the areas of Licensing, Education, Court of Protection, and Immigration. After having studied English at Oxford University Laura went on to study for the GDL and Bar Course in Birmingham.  Whilst studying for the GDL Laura volunteered for the Citizens’ Advice Bureau, advising clients across a wide range of topics including debt, housing and benefits. This experience gave Laura the opportunity to hone her skills in advising members of the public, and particularly in dealing with vulnerable people.
Hall of fame
Lloyd is an exceptionally experienced Silk in matters primarily regarding high end brain and spinal injuries in both personal injury and clinical negligence, together with police work and inquests.An important part of Lloyd's professional work is to inspire confidence in the client (often very seriously injured clients), confidence in themselves and the team who represents them. He advises, guides and reassures the client to ensure that they achieve the best possible result.Whatever can be done to assist the client and the solicitor will be done, inclusively, reviewing files, having consultations in the evening or at the weekend as well as travelling to meet them at their home or whenever may be convenient. This ensures the client is always at the heart of the process.Lloyd works closely with a number of senior juniors in 30 Park Place which enables us to offer a combined service, taking different roles in a case, whilst maintaining continuity. This usually results in a considerable saving in both time and costs. Lloyd is also Head of the Civil@30 team.
Luke Garrett is a civil practitioner specialising in commercial, employment, and personal injury law. He receives both claimant and respondent\defendant instructions, and has experience of representing multi-national organisations, small businesses, local authorities and individual claimants. He is naturally service orientated in his approach; this together with his meticulous preparation, attention to detail and effective delivery has yielded many repeat instructions.
Malcolm Bishop QC, sometime Deputy High Court Judge, Recorder of the Crown Court, Chair of the Isle of Man Legal Services Commission, is currently a Bencher of the Inner Temple, and Hon. Standing Counsel to Regent’s Park College, Oxford University. He has strong connections with the Caribbean and is a member of the Turks and Caicos Islands Bar.He has a widely based common law practice, which has taken him to most court Centre’s in England and Wales, from the Magistrates’ court to the House of Lords, within his specialist areas of crime, family and public law. He has also accepted instructions from commonwealth jurisdictions, and has a strong connection with Bermuda. He is currently briefed to lead a team of QCs and juniors in potential actions for alleged child abuse in Jersey. He is currently engaged in defending (leading Huw Evans of these Chambers) in a long case in the Turks and Caicos Islands where the former Premier and members of his cabinet face charges with fraud, bribery and corruption. He is back in the UK every three weeks and available for consultations then. Additionally he conducts regular conferences from the Caribbean by Skype.He is regularly instructed in high-profile cases of the utmost seriousness, including the first ever Al Qaeda terrorist trial, the ‘airline terrorist’ trial, many cases of gangland killings, as well as serious fraud. He also appeared in the longest murder trial at the Old Bailey, and successfully defended in the notorious multiple shootings of two young girls in Birmingham on New Year’s Day 2003.He was a member of the Bar Council for many years and has served on innumerable committees and working parties, as well as lecturing widely to regional and national conferences.Malcolm Bishop is willing to enter into arrangements in respect of conditional fees and direct access.
Melissa joined 30 Park Place in 2018 following the successful completion of her pupillage under the supervision of Christian J Howells (Civil and Public) and Catherine Heyworth (Family). Since then, Melissa has developed a busy Civil, Family and Public law practice. Accepting instruction in all civil litigation, Melissa acts for both Claimants and Defendants in personal injury, RTAs, commercial disputes, OLA, and employment claims. She is regularly instructed in trials, including small claims and fast track matters, applications and CCMCs. Additionally, Melissa is developing a practice in regulatory work, and has achieved excellent results when representing nurses at NMC disciplinary tribunals. In all areas, Melissa is happy to advise throughout the litigation process on liability, quantum, prospects and procedure. In respect of Melissa’s inquest practice, she frequently appears on behalf of families and professional parties. Most recently, Melissa was instructed in a series of six inquests relating to the deaths of residents at a nursing home, on behalf of a nurse who worked at the nursing home. Live issues included care home neglect, the issue of unlawful killing, the protection of vulnerable adults and the effectiveness of inter-agency working. Melissa successfully resisted a finding of unlawful killing against her client, through both written and oral submissions. Undertaking both public and private children law cases, Melissa’s practice encompasses the full spectrum of family proceedings. She represents Local Authorities, parents and the children in a wide variety of public family law proceedings where allegations include neglect, emotional harm and physical harm. Within the realms of private family law, Melissa has experience in DRAs, finding of fact hearings and final hearings, and is experienced in cases where issues range from contact disputes to allegations of neglect, emotional harm, physical harm and sexual harm. Melissa is developing a busy Court of Protection practice and is regularly instructed on behalf of Local Authorities, Health Boards and RPRs in applications under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 where issues relate both to capacity disputes and decisions regarding residence, care, medical treatment and contact. Melissa is well-experienced in providing detailed, clear and sensible advice on all aspects of the litigation process across all practice areas in which she operates, as well as having a real proficiency for courtroom advocacy. Melissa is an approachable, personable advocate who has an empathetic but pragmatic approach with both lay and professional clients. Since becoming a tenant, Melissa has developed a busy paper practice across all areas of law, and welcomes this in addition to court work.
Barrister.Michelle joined 30 Park Place in April 2009 and is a senior member of Family@30 team.Her expertise includes complex public and private law cases, representing local authorities, parents and guardians. Specialist areas include applications involving the removal of children from the jurisdiction of the U.K. to both Hague and non Hague convention countries.
Mikhael is a member of the Civil@30 and Public@30 teams. He joined 30 Park Place in May 2009, having previously undertaken pupillage and practised in Swansea.He covers all aspects of personal injury law, which he is happy to undertake under a conditional fee agreement, including road traffic accidents, occupier's liability, workplace injuries and tripping claims, (with a particular interest in occupational disease). He also appears in benefits and CICA appeals and has extensive experience of coroners' inquests.Mikhael accepts instructions relating to other aspects of civil litigation, including disputes on costs, breach of contract, credit hire agreements and housing.Mikhael regularly appears in Employment Tribunals up and down the country and also has experience of representing Claimants and Respondents at the Employment Appeal Tribunal.  He undertakes all aspects of employment law including redundancy, equal pay and discrimination cases with a particular emphasis on unfair dismissal cases.  He also presents on a wide range of employment issues and undertakes pro bono cases in appropriate circumstances.Prior to joining the bar, Mikhael worked for over four years with two personal injury firms, gaining experience of both Claimant and Defendant work. He also worked for a number of human rights law organisations and was a legal assistant on death row cases in Oklahoma.Mikhael is a fluent Welsh speaker, and regularly conducts cases in Welsh.
Nathan is a highly experienced practitioner who prides himself on leaving no stone unturned in case preparation and delivering exceptional advocacy and service.  In addition to practicing at the Bar; Nathan is a Family Law and Advocacy and Communication Skills trainer for Kaplan Altior, a leading provider of legal skills and assessment across England and Wales. Nathan therefore has an exceptional knowledge of the law and procedure.Nathan is acutely aware of the provision of a modern legal service and focuses on getting to the pertinent issues in a case thus helping to prevent clients unnecessarily spending money pursuing collateral issues.Clients find Nathan approachable as he goes the extra mile to make as client feels at ease.Nathan regularly accepts instructions from clients on a direct access basis.
Nia joined 30 Park Place in 2015 following successful completion of her pupillage under the supervision of Claire Williams (Family) and Angharad Davies (Chancery and Commercial and Court of Protection). Nia is a diligent advocate with a busy Family, Court of Protection and Public Law practice. Nia has developed a strong reputation in the Court of Protection arena and has been recognised as a rated practitioner in both Legal 500 and Chambers UK (see Recommendations). She regularly acts for Local Authorities, Health Boards, RPRs, the Official Solicitor and family members in Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Inherent Jurisdiction applications. Her experience includes cases involving capacity disputes and decisions about issues such as residence, care, medical treatment, contact, marriage, sexual relations. Nia’s Family practice is focused on public law proceedings. Nia regularly appears on behalf of Local Authorities, parents, children and interveners in cases involving allegations of neglect, emotional harm and non-accidental injury. Nia also has experience in dealing with cases with an international element and proceedings involving the deprivation of liberty of children. Nia has an interest in cases involving medical treatment issues and recently represented a local health board in High Court proceedings concerning the withdrawal of medical treatment. Nia is developing her Administrative and Public Law practice and was recently instructed as Junior Counsel for the Claimant in the High Court and Court of Appeal hearings in the judicial review case of R (on the Application of Driver) v Rhondda Cynon Taf CBC (‘RCT’) which resulted in confirmation of the equal standing of Welsh language legislation and guidance in respect of how the Court should approach questions of statutory interpretation involving Welsh language legislation. Nia is commended by clients for her calm demeanour, sensible advice, thorough preparation, meticulous drafting and robust representation at hearings. Nia is actively involved in providing seminars and training in respect of her areas of expertise. Nia is a fluent Welsh speaker and is happy to conduct cases through the medium of Welsh. Prior to commencing pupillage, Nia gained three years’ experience within the financial services sector. Nia also previously worked as a paralegal responsible for challenging Continuing NHS Healthcare decisions on behalf of her own caseload of clients. This provided her with a comprehensive understanding of Local Authority and Health Board duties towards its service users which has assisted in Nia’s practice. Since becoming a tenant, Nia has continued to pursue additional opportunities to enhance her knowledge and experience. In 2016 Nia was seconded to NHS Legal and Risk Services where she advised and attended court on a range of matters including Court of Protection and Inquests. In 2017 Nia was awarded a prestigious Inns of Court Pegasus Trust Outgoing Scholarship and travelled to India to work in the legal sector for two months.
Nigel is an experienced advocate who has a mixed criminal and regulatory practice, he prosecutes and defends in equal measure. He is a Grade 4 CPS prosecutor, member of the CPS rape panel and a member of the List of Specialist Advocates in Health and Safety and Environmental Law.
Paul is a member of the Family@30 team. He has been a member of chambers since 1984. His considerable expertise lies in the field of Family and Child Care.His particular areas of interest in this field are in Children Act matters, both public and private law; and in ancillary relief and matrimonial finance cases. He has dealt with delicate and serious matters including child salt contamination and shaken baby syndrome. He is also known for his skill and expertise in representing children in public law proceedings via their children’s guardian.
Rebecca has a practice split between family finance and civil, encompassing Chancery, Administrative, Mental Health and Immigration.Rebecca has a sound understanding of legal principles and understands the importance of a resolution meeting the client’s needs in ‘the real world’. She has particular skill in identifying the issues most important to the client and working both legally and practically towards meeting these goals.Rebecca has excellent IT skills, working entirely electronically in suitable cases, and uses these skills to organise and analyse the, often vast, amount of information generated as cases move through the court system.Rebecca is approachable and available to advise and discuss matters, both big and small, as a case progresses.
Rhian’s central practice area is Family Law focusing on both Private and Public proceedings concerning children at all court levels. Within such proceedings she acts for all parties including local authorities, parents, children (either by their Guardians or acting independently), extended family members and other interveners. Rhian has a good manner with both professional and lay clients and adapts easily to the different approach which each client requires depending upon the nature of these sensitive proceedings.Rhian has a broad experience of her chosen specialism ranging from the most straight forward matters to the most significant. Rhian has conducted cases involving injuries to children, including being led in cases involving non-accidental head injuries to children, allegations of sexual abuse involving both adult and child complainants and child poisoning. Rhian has also been involved in a number of cases whereby matters investigated by the criminal courts have been reopened in the family court.Rhian is always thorough in her preparation and remains up to date on pertinent issues by regularly providing seminars on Children Act matters along with other members of the Family Team at 30 Park Place.Rhian also practices in Education Law acting for local authorities, parents and students at both an advisory level and at an appellate level. She provides representation at SENTW appeals, admissions appeals, exclusions appeals and Judicial Reviews of such decisions. Rhian’s child care practice also offers a sound understanding of the interaction between the Education system and the Looked After Children system. Rhian has been actively involved in providing seminars with the Education Law Team at 30 Park Place, such seminars have on occasions formed the basis of the training for appeal panel members.In addition, Rhian’s practice extends into mental health applications and applications concerning vulnerable adults including matters in the Court of Protection.
Rhodri Williams QC is Head of the Public@30 Team. Rhodri has developed a national reputation for his sharp intellect along with being extremely experienced in his areas of practice. He is one of the leading public law silks in Wales and specialises in European Union Law, Local Government and Administrative Law.Between 1992-1997 he worked with the European Commission in Brussels where he was predominantly responsible for the enforcement of the EU internal market legislation in the UK and Ireland.Since his return he has maintained a particular interest in all aspects of the enforcement of internal market legislation and has also gained experience dealing with issues such as health and safety aspects of food production and imports (he was instructed on the BSE enquiry on behalf of the Welsh Office and on behalf of National Assembly on the 2005 E-Coli outbreak).Rhodri also advises the Welsh Government in relation to procurement obligations and strategies for local and regional government and the situation of devolved legislation in Wales (he was a founding member of the Welsh Public Law and Human Rights Association and is currently a member of its Executive Committee). He has also represented the UK government on several occasions before the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.As a fluent Welsh speaker Rhodri is able to undertake cases in Welsh.
Rhys’ practice focuses on matrimonial finance, cohabitee and inheritance disputes. His financial remedy practice frequently involves consideration of complex business and trust assets. He has a particular interest and specialism in dealing with disputes concerning the ownership of farms and estates. Rhys is an arbitrator, appointed under the Institute of Family Law Arbitrators' scheme.Providing a genuine expertise in both matrimonial and civil law proceedings, Rhys can offer composite advice and strategy for problems which do not fit neatly into either the 'family' or 'civil' law boxes.Rhys has lectured extensively and published numerous scholarly articles and blogs, which address the interaction between family and civil law issues in the family property context. His contribution in this field has been noted, as he received the Jordans Family Law Awards 2015, 'Family Law Commentator of the Year' award. Rhys was jointly awarded the Jordans 'Most Innovative Family Lawyer of the Year' in 2012 for his work relating to family arbitration.
Rhys joined Chambers in September 2011 following the successful completion of his pupillage under the supervision of Ruth Henke QC and Sarah Waters. Since joining Chambers, Rhys has developed a busy Family and Civil practice.Prior to joining the Bar, Rhys interned as a Judicial Assistant at the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.Rhys is a fluent Welsh speaker.
Stephen Thomas specialises in Criminal Law and is a member of our Crime@30 team. He primarily defends but also has a regulatory prosecution practice.Stephen has appeared at all levels up to and including the Court of Appeal.