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Rhodri Williams


Call: 1987 | Silk: 2010

1992-1997 Sabbatical working for European Commission in Brussels Panel Counsel to the National Assembly for Wales/Welsh Assembly Government - Public law (since 2000) National Assembly for Wales Commission Panel – European, Commercial law (since 2007) Attorney General’s list of Approved Council (since 2000) Called to the Bar of Northern Ireland (2009) Queen's Counsel (2010) Bencher Gray’s Inn (2015)


Bar European Group; Administrative Law Bar Association; Procurement Lawyers’ Association; Public Law Wales.


Rhodri Williams QC is Head of the Public@30 Team. 

Rhodri has developed a national reputation for his sharp intellect along with being extremely experienced in his areas of practice. He is one of the leading public law silks in Wales and specialises in European Union Law, Local Government and Administrative Law.

Between 1992-1997 he worked with the European Commission in Brussels where he was predominantly responsible for the enforcement of the EU internal market legislation in the UK and Ireland.

Since his return he has maintained a particular interest in all aspects of the enforcement of internal market legislation and has also gained experience dealing with issues such as health and safety aspects of food production and imports (he was instructed on the BSE enquiry on behalf of the Welsh Office and on behalf of National Assembly on the 2005 E-Coli outbreak).

Rhodri also advises the Welsh Government in relation to procurement obligations and strategies for local and regional government and the situation of devolved legislation in Wales (he was a founding member of the Welsh Public Law and Human Rights Association and is currently a member of its Executive Committee). He has also represented the UK government on several occasions before the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.

As a fluent Welsh speaker Rhodri is able to undertake cases in Welsh.


BA Modern Languages (Oxon) 1985 (MA 2002) Dip Law (PCL) 1986 Bar Finals (ICSL) 1987