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Victoria Hillier


Victoria is ranked in the Legal 500 2011 and 2012 directory for her work in the fields of personal injury and public law. Personal injury: a very busy personal injury practice involving road traffic accidents, occupiers’ liability, defective premises, highway tripping and employers liability. She undertakes work from the initial advice stage through to pleadings and trial. Victoria is happy to undertake CFAs. Notable cases include: a substantial CICA award for a claimant who suffered significant psychological injuries and was been unable to obtain employment following being burnt as a 14 year old child; representing two young dependants following the tragic death of their mother in a road traffic accident; settlement of an employers liability claim in which the claimant sustained a trimalleolar fracture preventing his return to work as a HGV driver; defending a local authority school where a young gymnast sustained multiple leg fractures during a training session; successful defence of claims against the local authority heard by the designated Civil Judge in respect of the maintenance of water stop taps and a historical stone drainage system; defending large companies including ASDA, Leekes and the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Justice for the Treasury Solicitors. Victoria is currently advising in three ongoing claims pleaded in excess of £250,000 whereby the claimants have suffered complex fractures causing a permanent disability with complex causation and quantum issues. Housing: Victoria is regularly instructed to advise and represent local authorities and housing associations on a wide spectrum of housing claims including possession, anti social behaviour injunctions and the homelessness provisions. She specialises in claims raising issues under the Equality Act 2010 and is currently defending a number of claims for discrimination, victimisation and harassment against public bodies. Victoria was involved in the first application in Wales for a closure order on behalf of a local authority since the introduction of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. In light of this experience, Victoria was invited to present a talk entitled ‘Update on the Equality Act 2010’ at the Wales Local Authority Training Consortium. Actions against the police/state: specialises in representing and advising the police on civil claims on a variety of issues including trespass, conversion, misfeasance in public office, unlawful arrest, false imprisonment and breach of the Human Rights Act 1998. Recently defending the Crown Prosecution Service and the Ministry of Justice on false imprisonment and negligence claims. Licensing: represents the police and licensing sub committees on a range of matters under the Licensing Act 2003. Referees have stated: ‘She is an excellent advocate – very bright, very thorough and approachable.’; ‘Victoria is building a very sound practice in housing and regulatory law.’; ‘South Wales Police regularly instruct Victoria Hillier on a range of civil applications.’


Qualified 2005. In 2012 appointed as Treasury Counsel to the attorney general’s panel and as counsel to the Welsh Government and National Assembly for Wales; Wales and Chester Circuit Award for Outstanding Student of the Year 2005; Temple Chambers Award for Best Performance in Advocacy 2005 Grays Inn Beddingfield Scholarship.


Wales Debating Society (Wales Debating Society finalist).


Bassaleg School, Newport (2001); University of Bristol (2004 LLB (2:1)); Cardiff University (2005 BVC, Outstanding).


Zumba, Bokwa dancing and skiing.


Wales and Chester Circuit • Regional Bar

Clinical negligence

Leading junior1
Victoria Hillier – Civitas Law