Region Area


Lily Wildman

Park Square Barristers, Yorkshire And The Humber

Work Department

Crime, Family, Civil, Regulatory


Year of call:

2021 (Pupil)

Education — 


BPP University Law School

Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC)

Very Competent


Durham University

Law LLB (Hons), First Class


Lily is currently undertaking her pupillage at Park Square Barristers.

Prior to commencing pupillage, Lily studied the BPTC whilst working as a Care Assistant at a Nursing Home. In this role, Lily worked with vulnerable clients, demonstrating her ability to work effectively with a broad cross-section of the public. Lily has gained further client experience working Pro Bono. During her BPTC, Lily was the Student Director of her University Law Clinic where she would interact with clients who were involved in family and civil law disputes. Lily gained further client experience volunteering at Support Through Court where she attended remote hearings and provided support for clients in family law hearings, such as Child Arrangements Orders.  

Lily has a strong academic background which has been recognised by several notable achievements. Lily obtained the Sweet and Maxwell Law Prize for obtaining the highest undergraduate law degree mark at Durham University. Additionally, Lily was awarded the Lady Hale Prize in Law and Gender for her dissertation which was published in the Durham Law Review.