Region Area


Jade Bucklow

Park Square Barristers, Yorkshire And The Humber

Work Department

Regulatory & Inquests


2004-2005 - Administrative Support, Defence Vetting Agency - MOD2009-2010 - Paralegal, Counter Terrorism Division - CPS2010-2012 - Casework Manager, Independent Police Complaints Commission2012-2014 - Barrister, New Park Court Chambers2014-2021 - Case Examiner, General Medical Council         2022 - Joined Park Square Barristers


In her previous career as a Case Examiner at the GMC Jade dealt extensively with the fitness to practise of doctors on the UK Medical Register.

During her 7 years at the GMC Jade was responsible for determining the outcome of fitness to practise investigations, in particular, deciding whether a doctor’s fitness to practise may be impaired, and what sanction was necessary to ensure patient safety. She exercised a full range of regulatory powers on behalf of the GMC from case closure to referral to a tribunal. Jade also made referrals to Interim Orders Tribunals and Investigation Committees.

Jade is able to critically analyse complex medical records and expert opinion. Jade has an in-depth knowledge of all manner of clinical cases ranging from simple prescribing errors, failure to diagnosis or appropriately refer, consent issues, infant sepsis, adult sepsis, strokes and end of life care decisions. Obstetric and Gynaecology cases, including vaginal mesh and prolapse surgery, serious obstetric injury, obstetric death of infants and maternal death. Neurosurgery, laparoscopic surgery and injury, complex orthopaedic surgery and injury. Psychiatric care (inpatient and outpatient), suicide, mental health, care in prison settings, deaths in custody and gross negligence manslaughter.

During her time at the GMC Jade was responsible for advising the National and Regional Investigation Teams on case progression, evidence gathering and in the development of National Investigation Plans. Jade represented the Case Examiner team at the Criminal Investigation Team meetings, specifically to advise on case progression and on evidence gathering in criminal cases, and when to pursue and enforce police and CPS disclosure.  Jade’s role included advising on which allegations should be pursued, and what issues and questions should be put to the independent medical experts. Jade advised on medical expert selection and instruction, and provided feedback on expert quality. Jade also chaired  GMC ‘Doctors Meetings’, advising doctors on the preperation of their Rule 7 repsonse.

Jade is equally experienced in conduct cases – where the allegations concern the doctors professional conduct, or personal conduct that brings the profession into disrepute.

Jade has a unique insight and knowledge of cases involving both complex clinical and conduct allegations, in particular where the conduct is subject to criminal proceedings. She has extensive experience in domestic violence, serious sexual assault and rape, and child sex offences.

Called in 2012 Jade undertook a mixed crime and civil pupillage supervised by Caroline Wigin who is now a Crown Court Judge sitting at St Albans Crown Court.


2008 - University of Sheffield, Law LLB 2:1

2012 - BPP Law School, BTPC 'Very Competent'