Park Square Barristers Ltd.

Park Square Barristers Ltd.

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Natalia Perrett

Natalia Perrett

Park Square Barristers Ltd., Yorkshire And The Humber

Work Department

Children Law and Court of Protection & Adult Care


Children Law

Natalia Perrett specialises in private and public children law.

Natalia has extensive experience of representing parents, children and local authorities in complex family law cases, covering issues such as serious non-accidental injury, severe sexual abuse (including historical allegations), parents with mental-health issues and learning disabilities (with and without the assistance of the official solicitor), and injunctions raising human-rights elements.

With regard to her expertise in matters of jurisdiction, Natalia has successfully argued lack of jurisdiction in the High Court concerning a child born in Ireland, and successfully argued for transfer of proceedings under Article 15 BRII to Hungary. The child was subsequently repatriated to Hungary where the mother was residing.

Natalia has significant experience of representing clients in complex private family cases, including serious domestic violence, implacable hostility and sexual abuse (on a number of occasions successfully securing judgments of no findings for the alleged perpetrator). She has also successfully represented parents in cases involving removal from the jurisdiction, internal relocation and temporary removal disputes.

Natalia has represented CAFCASS Legal in forced-marriage proceedings in relation to a 13-year-old girl abducted to a non-Hague Convention Country in the midst of civil war. She has regularly represented parties in cases where child abduction is a key concern.

Court of Protection & Adult Care

Natalia's keen interest in this exciting and expanding area of law began with her dissertation in mental-health law (which earned her a first-class mark).

Natalia has recently led a junior member of chambers in a complex matter which involved an examination of the rights and legislative provisions surrounding the safeguarding of vulnerable adults living in children’s homes and residential special schools. This led to the preparation of complex legal submissions within the Re X and Others (Deprivation of Liberty) [2014] EWCOP 25 litigation, in which the President of the Court of Protection, Sir James Munby, provided guidance on the practical and procedural implications for the Court of Protection following the Supreme Court’s decision in Surrey County Council v P [2014] 2 WLR 642.

She has acted for clients in mental health review tribunals, including a particularly complex matter concerning the detention of a 36-week pregnant client with an unspecified eating disorder.

Natalia has also appeared for the local authority in Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council v GS and Another [2014] EWCOP 46, where Holman J determined that relevant legislative provisions (regulation 17A of the Children’s Homes Regulations and para 3.19 National Minimum Standards for Children’s Homes) did not, in the case of GS, prevent the court from authorising a deprivation of liberty where such deprivation of liberty pursued a legitimate aim and was necessary, proportionate and in GS’ best interests.

She also successfully contested the appointment of a health & welfare deputy, and advised and acted in contested issues concerning the residence of ‘P’ and restriction of contact.


Call 2004


North Eastern CircuitFamily Law Bar AssociationCommittee member of the Court of Protection Practitioners’ Association Yorkshire & the Humber


2002University of Birmingham, LLB (Hons)

2004Nottingham Law School, BVC (‘Very competent’)


North Eastern Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading junior2
Natalia Perrett – Park Square Barristers Ltd. 'Natalia is a force of nature. Her warm and engaging style light up any hearing, no matter how complex or emotionally charged the issues. Clients love her and judges listen to her.'