Park Square Barristers Ltd.

Park Square Barristers Ltd.

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Holly Clegg

Holly Clegg

Park Square Barristers Ltd., Yorkshire And The Humber

Work Department

Crime and Regulatory & Public



Holly has quickly developed a strong practice in all areas of criminal law. She is a CPS Level Two Prosecutor and regularly appears in the Crown Court on behalf of both the Prosecution and Defence.

Holly adopts a clear and robust approach in court and is adept at looking ahead in any case in order to plan for a range of eventualities. She is known for her calm and approachable manner when dealing with clients and witnesses. She has experience dealing with vulnerable clients and witnesses and has completed the Vulnerable Witness Advocacy Training course, which focuses on training for Ground Rules Hearings, child witnesses and cases that fall within the Section 28 pilot scheme (video-recorded cross-examination).

She has appeared in numerous Crown Court trials, both prosecuting and defending, across a wide spectrum of criminal law including burglary, robbery, violent offences, sexual offences, driving offences, drugs offences and offences involving weapons. She has experience of cases involving the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and areas that include complex statute and regulations.

Holly has also been instructed as disclosure junior on several large-scale operations, including cases involving homicide offences. She was recently instructed as Disclosure Junior to Richard Wright QC on a case involving the torture and murder of man at the Denholme Business Centre.

Regulatory & PublicHolly was appointed to the Specialist Regulatory Panel of Advocates in 2019 and has been instructed on behalf of government bodies on the Regulatory List since her appointment. She has also been accepted onto the panel for the Government Legal Department as a ‘Junior Junior’ and receives regular instructions from them in relation to cases involving Inquests, Prison Law, Personal Injury, Immigration and Employment issues.

Holly has acted for both the Prosecution and the Defence in numerous cases brought by private agencies including local councils, the Environment Agency, The Home Office, HSE, RSPCA, DVLA, HMRC and FSA. She has experience of dealing with complicated regulations, factual issues and cross-examining expert witnesses in the Magistrates Court, Crown Court and in Specialist Tribunals.

She has undertaken secondments with the Police and the Clinical Commissioning Group in York. She has received instructions from the Police in relation to matters involving Judicial Review and she has delivered training to West Yorkshire Fire Brigade. Holly has also represented numerous clients at Mental Health Tribunals and parole hearings.

Having undertaken work for numerous government bodies Holly is familiar with internal policies and potential interactions between various government organisations. She is able to turn her hand to complex Regulatory and Governmental matters, in both an advisory role and as a court advocate.

Prior to pupillage Holly worked as a Paralegal at Stewarts Law, a firm specialising in high value cases involving catastrophic injuries and fatal accidents. During her time as a paralegal Holly assisted with the preparation of numerous cases involving the HSE and the Care Quality Commission.

Holly also regularly undertakes work in the Coroner’s Court, acting for a range of interested persons.

Her calm and approachable manner is well suited to the Coroner’s Court and she is adept at identifying potential issues in a case at an early stage, allowing time for better case preparation and management of any potential regulation 28 issues. She is keen to continue to develop her experience in this area and often assists with drafting witness statements in her capacity as a ‘Junior Junior’ to the Government Legal Department.

Holly is available to represent any interested party including bereaved families, public bodies and those who have been made an interested person by the Coroner due to their Professional roles.


Call 2015


2016-20CPS Advocate Panel (Level 1) North Eastern Circuit

2019List C of the Panel of Specialist Regulatory Advocates


2013 Newcastle University, LLB

2015 BPP Law School, BPTC


North Eastern Circuit • Regional Bar

Business and regulatory crime (including health and safety)

Leading junior1
Holly Clegg - Park Square Barristers 'Holly is always scrupulously prepared and on top of her brief, no matter how complex the case. Her advocacy is just as good as her preparation. She is commanding, engaging and adaptable.'
North Eastern Circuit • Regional Bar

Crime (general and fraud)

Leading junior3
Holly Clegg  – Park Square Barristers Ltd. 'An eloquent advocate with natural flair. She is engaging to a jury.'
North Eastern Circuit • Regional Bar

Inquests and inquiries

Leading junior1
Holly Clegg  – Park Square Barristers Ltd. ‘A confident barrister with a pleasant court demeanour. She is practical and focused, doesn’t ask unnecessary, irrelevant questions and her submissions are grounded, reasonable and well-researched. An excellent advocate.’