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Louise Noblet

Louise Noblet

Park Square Barristers Ltd., Yorkshire And The Humber

Work Department



Children Law

Louise was a qualified solicitor for 27 years, specialising in Family – Children for most of her career. She was a member of the Law Society’s Children’s Panel from 2000 representing children through CAFCASS guardians or taking direct instructions from competent children; as well as representing parents and extended family members in both private and public law proceedings. This has necessitated acting for many vulnerable individuals taking direct instructions or through the Official Solicitor where the client lacked capacity.

Louise has undertaken the advocacy for her clients before all levels of the Single Family Court and in the High Court, acquiring Higher Rights of Advocacy in the Civil Courts in 2007. Her years of practice as a solicitor means she has a good understanding of the impact of proceedings upon the participants and subject children. She has an excellent knowledge of Legal Aid regulations and is able to utilise this to the benefit of her clients and the Courts when considering access to representation.

During her career as a solicitor advocate Louise has conducted complex fact-finding hearings including cases where non accidental injury or sexual abuse are alleged. Louise completed the Vulnerable Witness training programme in 2020 to enhance her skills in acting for and cross-examining parties or witnesses with learning difficulties; mental health difficulties or other vulnerabilities. Her years of experience as a solicitor mean Louise is able to communicate effectively with those she represents whether professionals or lay parties.


1996 - Qualified as Solicitor, Galbraith Branley Solicitors

2000 - Member of the Law Society’s Children’s Panel

2003 - Joined Switalskis Solicitors

2006 - Partner and subsequently director at Switalskis Solicitors, Bradford

2007 - Higher Rights of Audience Civil Courts

2024 - Tenant at Park Square Barristers, Leeds


North Eastern Circuit

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