Chambers of Stephen Hockman KC and Mark Watson KC

Chambers of Stephen Hockman KC and Mark Watson KC


Nicholas Ostrowski

Nicholas Ostrowski


Nicholas Ostrowski’s practice covers the whole range of civil and criminal matters across Chambers’ specialist practice areas, particularly in regulatory law of all types and in planning and environmental law. Nicholas’s broad workload means that he has significant experience as a trial advocate and appears in a wide range of courts and tribunals. He is appointed to the Attorney General’s List of Junior Civil Counsel to the Crown and to the Attorney General’s List of Specialist Regulatory Advocates and is equally at home in the civil and the criminal courts. In his regulatory practice, he has appeared and advised for the prosecution and defence in a range of cases brought on behalf of the Environment Agency and the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). Nicholas also has significant experience of financial regulation and he has been instructed on behalf of the Enforcement and Market Oversight Team at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as well as the Consumer Credit team at the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) and he frequently advises and appears for and against local authorities in fraud cases. In his planning practice, Nicholas represents Local Planning Authorities and developers in planning inquiries as well as giving advice across a broad range of planning matters. He has particular experience of enforcement matters at the High Court, in enforcement inquiries and at trial for breach of enforcement notices. Nicholas also appears frequently in multi-track and fast track trials across different areas of law including housing, construction and contractual disputes. He has experience of applying for interim relief including freezing injunctions and other urgent applications in the High Court.


St James School for Boys, Twickenham; University of York (2005 BA English Literature and Politics, First); University College London (2006 MA Legal & Political Theory); City University (2007 Graduate Diploma in Law, Commendation); BPP (2008 Bar Vocational Course, Very Competent).


London Bar


Nicholas Ostrowski – Six Pump Court
London Bar

Health and safety

Nicholas Ostrowski –Six Pump Court 'Nick is a very composed and persuasive advocate. He is able to identify the important issues in a case and convey points in a very calm but forceful manner.‘