Miss Iris Ferber KC > 42BR Barristers > London, England > Barrister Profile

42BR Barristers
11 Staple Inn

Work Department

Employment Team, Property and Commercial Team, Housing Team


Specialist in all aspects of employment law and in property law, especially social housing


Practice Area: Employment

Iris is an Employment specialist, who represents both claimants and respondents.  In the Employment Tribunal, she is particularly sought after in large claims involving many allegations and many different heads of claim; as well as claims involving the handling of vulnerable witnesses.  She appears regularly in employment appeals.

Iris also advises and represents parties in cases involving restrictive covenants, and other contractual issues that arise from the employment relationship.

Practice Area: Social Housing

Iris has been a Housing specialist for over 18 years.

She has long experience in dealing with complex anti-social behaviour cases, including those involving mental health issues, on behalf of both landlords and tenants. She is particularly good at dealing with vulnerable clients and witnesses, and managing the complex legal arguments involved in Equality Act and Human Rights cases. Her expertise in discrimination law generally (including her Employment Law practice) makes her particularly adept at handling Equality Act defences. Iris has extensive experience of homelessness litigation, including s204 appeals in the County Court, judicial review in the High Court, and appeals to the Court of Appeal.


Hebrew, Russian


  • Employment Lawyers’ Association
  • Employment Law Bar Association
  • Discrimination Law Association
  • Property Bar Association
  • Chancery Bar Association
  • Social Housing Law Association


MPhil (Cantab) 2002

Lawyer Rankings

London Bar > Employment

(2023 Silks)Ranked: Tier 1

Iris Ferber KC42BR BarristersIris is an intelligent, tactical silk, who is also very personable and approachable.’

42BR Barristers is ‘an excellent set with a strong employment team‘. The team reports an increase in instructions concerning disability discrimination claims, and has also been kept busy handling whistleblowing cases, which is a key area of strength for the ‘pragmaticJude Shepherd. The ‘very personableMichael Salter is instructed by individuals, local authorities, public sector employers and trade unions in a wide range of employment matters, including TUPE issues and unfair dismissal cases. In recent work, the ‘diligentCatherine Urquhart successfully defended Transport for London in a case involving multiple discrimination claims, including on the grounds of disability, race and pregnancy. The senior end of the group was recently bolstered by the elevation of Iris Ferber KC to silk in March 2023.

London Bar > Social housing

(2023 Silks)Ranked: Tier 1

Iris Ferber KC42BR Barristers She is a natural born fighter. Her cross-examination is forensic, detailed and devastating. It is very difficult for an opponent to regain credibility after she has cross-examined them.

42BR Barristers‘s social housing practice stands out for its ‘specialist knowledge of the sector‘ and ‘extremely knowledgeable and talented counsel‘. Newly appointed silk Iris Ferber KC is ‘a tenacious advocate‘ with ‘a deep understanding of disrepair matters‘; she is acting for the claimants in an ongoing disrepair claim brought against a private landlord concerning a private groundwater supply, which was contaminated with Legionella bacteria, being provided to the tenants at the property. At the junior end of chambers, Desmond Kilcoynedemonstrates a strong command of his practice area, which enables him to provide accurate advice‘ and is sought after by social housing providers, and the ‘first-class advocateNaomi Hawkes has expertise in anti-social behaviour claims, homelessness matters and cases involving intersection with human rights issues. Mathew McDermott is ‘very good on his feet in court‘ and has a strong track record in acting in judicial reviews concerning local authorities’ homelessness duties.