Peter Finnigan KC KC > Chambers of Adrian Darbishire KC and Selva Ramasamy KC > London, England > Barrister Profile

Chambers of Adrian Darbishire KC and Selva Ramasamy KC
QEB Hollis Whiteman
Peter Finnigan KC photo


Peter Finnigan defends and prosecutes in a wide range of criminal cases from international fraud to high profile general crime. He has considerable experience of serious organised crime and has been instructed in numerous murder cases such as that of Kenny Noye for both murder and for laundering the proceeds of the Brinks Mat gold bullion robbery. A former standing counsel to HMRC (he was instructed in the lraqi Supergun case), Peter has appeared in many revenue frauds and in high value drugs trafficking cases. He has extensive experience in the field of commercial and professional/city fraud, corporate crime, money laundering, asset restraint, criminal and civil recovery. Also, cross-border crime, mutual legal assistance and plea agreements. Peter has been involved in a number of high profile SFO cases ranging from Blue Arrow to insider dealing and sanctions busting cases (including Saddam Hussein’s ‘Oil for food’ scheme: Mabey and Johnson Ltd and lnnospec). He has also recently been instructed in a number of corruption cases including the investigation by the SFO into allegations concerning a multi-national (Alstom Group) and the defence of a procurement consultant concerned in World Bank financed projects. ln 2016 he successfully defended one of the brokers in the second LIBOR trial and is currently instructed to defend the former CEO of a major charity against allegations of fraud.


Called 1979; QC 2009.


French, German.


British Association for Sports Law; registered with the Bar Council Public Access Directory; Public Access Bar Association (PABA).


University of Newcastle upon Tyne (LLB Hons).

Lawyer Rankings

London Bar > Crime

(Leading Silks)Ranked: Tier 4

Peter Finnigan KCQEB Hollis Whiteman ‘Peter is charming, effective, and understated. He does not waste a word and is excellent on his feet.’