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David Groome


David acts for leading corporations in the music, film, sport and broadcast media including the Football Association Premier League, SKY, Federation Against Copyright Theft and Satellite lnformation Services. He has acted in the majority of intellectual property related private prosecutions over the last 10 years. He has trained investigators at the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT), British Phonographic lndustry (BPl) and numerous trading standards services. David was leading counsel for FACT in R v Anton Vickerman (2008-2012) the first time that online piracy had been effectively prosecuted within the jurisdiction.

The case was cited in the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee's report, Supporting the creative economy.

David was called to the Bar of Northern lreland following his instruction by the Director of Public Prosecutions for Northern lreland to prosecute film copyright and internet piracy cases. R -v- Hugh Reid and Marcus Lewis (2013-2014) and R -v- Mahoney (2015) David advises clients on how to design and implement issue-specific private prosecution systems to reduce exposure to intellectual property theft. He frequently speaks at seminars on private prosecution nationally and internationally.