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Amanda Bostock

Amanda Bostock


Barrister – Extradition/Mutual Legal Assistance/Crime/Prison law


Called in 2008, Amanda is experienced in all areas of criminal law alongside her extensive practice in extradition for which she is recognised as a leading junior and ranked at Tier 1 for International Crime and Extradition.

She regularly appears for both Requested Persons and Requesting States at first instance and at the High Court and in relation to both Part 1 and Part 2 requests. Amanda also has significant experience in Mutual Legal Assistance having reviewed innumerable requests on behalf of the UK Central Authority (Home Office).

In February 2021, Amanda appeared before the Supreme Court successfully defending the reliability of Hungarian diplomatic assurances given in relation to prison conditions and human rights.


Criminal Bar Association Howard League for Penal Reform Extradition Lawyers Association Defence Extradition Lawyers Forum European Criminal Bar Association


University of Liverpool LLB (Hons) Inns of Court School of Law (BVC)


London Bar


Leading junior1
Amanda Bostock – Three Raymond Buildings ‘ She is steeped in extradition law and is a very effective – and robust – prosecutor with considerable experience of European countries and the prison law landscape.’