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Clair Dobbin KC

Clair Dobbin KC


Clair Dobbin KC practises in the fields of public law, human rights (with a particular expertise in children’s rights), international co-operation law (extradition, mutual legal assistance and diplomatic law), inquests and  inquiries and civil recovery

Prior to taking silk, Clair was Counsel to the Crown (civil) for 17 years, seven of which she spent on “A” Panel of Treasury Counsel. She has been in many of the seminal cases in her areas of expertise, in recent years. Recent or current instructions include United States v Assange (in which she is counsel for the United States); Secretary of State for the Home Department v El Gizouli (Supreme Court litigation concerning the death penalty and the so- called Jihadi Beatles); Terra Services v Home Secretary (concerning the investigations in the United Kingdom of associates of former President Trump); EVAW v DPP (judicial review litigation concerning the decline in rape cases being charged and prosecuted); the inquiry  into Children’s Homes in Lambeth (as part of her role as counsel to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse) and the East London Inquests (concerning the investigations into the murders of four young men).

Clair has appeared alone before the Supreme Court, the Privy Council and in the European Court of Human Rights. She  is recommended as a leading practitioner across six different practice areas (public law, extradition law, inquests and inquiries, professional discipline, police law and civil liberties).



MA Hons (Cantab), Call 1999, Treasury 'C' Panel 2004; 'B' Panel 2007. “A” Panel 2014.  Silk 2021


Cambridge (BA Hons).


London Bar


Leading silk2
Clair Dobbin KC – Three Raymond Buildings 
London Bar

Inquests and inquiries

Leading silk3
Clair Dobbin KC – Three Raymond Buildings  ‘Incredibly hard working, Clair is a master of the detail. Her calm court room manner belies an huge amount of industry.’