Mr Tom Lawal > Chambers of Elizabeth Isaacs QC > Birmingham, England > Barrister Profile

Chambers of Elizabeth Isaacs QC
St Ives Chambers
B4 6DH
Tom Lawal photo

Work Department

Tom Lawal is an experienced Barrister focusing on Housing law and Private Children law.


Year of Call:  2008

Tom accepts instructions in all areas of housing law and has a growing reputation amongst instructing Solicitors nationwide. Tom has extensive experience in a wide range of housing matters and is regularly instructed to attend multi-day trials, committal applications, injunction and possession proceedings, in addition to drafting pleadings and advice on complex legal and factual matters.

Tom is a specialist and experienced private law practitioner. Tom’s family practice focuses exclusively on representing parents, children and grandparents in complex and sensitive private law matters.


Housing Law

Tom accepts instructions in all areas of housing law and has a growing reputation amongst instructing Solicitors nationwide. Tom has extensive experience in a wide range of housing matters and is regularly instructed to attend multi-day trials, committal applications, injunction and possession proceedings, in addition to drafting pleadings and advice on complex legal and factual matters. Tom is often instructed on cases involving substantial legal arguments on issues such as The Equality Act, Article 8, proportionality and Public Law matters.

Tom is particularly acknowledged for his affable manner with lay witnesses, his thorough preparation and his engaging court manner. Tom believes in a collaborative approach to each set of instructions and is more than willing to discuss the preparation and tactics to each case he is instructed in. This approach regularly leads to a narrowing of issues and favourably outcomes for his professional and lay clients. Passionate and committed, Tom is often praised for his meticulous and tactically astute approach to each and every set of instructions.

Tom is an active member of the housing law team and was a speaker at the team’s annual conference. He is willing to provide training in all areas of housing law.

Private Law Children

Tom is a specialist and experienced private law practitioner. Tom’s family practice focuses exclusively on representing parents, children and grandparents in complex and sensitive private law matters. Tom is regularly instructed in a broad range of private law matters concerning;

  • Complex Child Arrangement proceedings.
  • Multi-day finding of fact and welfare hearings.
  • Allegations of parental alienation.
  • Proceedings regarding international relocation/international elements.
  • Cases relating to serious allegations of physical and/or emotional abuse against a parent and/or child.
  • The need to instruct experts and appoint Children’s Guardians.

Tom is regarded as a robust and incisive advocate who approaches each case with passion, care, determination and desire to achieve the best possible outcome for his lay client. Tom is renowned for his ability to find solutions to complex private law matters.

Tom’s previous experience in relation to acting for Local Authorities, Parents, Grandparents, Children and interveners in complex public law proceedings provides him with a wealth of experience in a wide-range of Children Law matters. In addition, Tom’s Masters in Human Rights Law provides a solid practical and legal foundation for his approach to family cases.

Tom is particularly noted for his affable and client focused manner and he is widely acknowledged for the meticulous approach he brings to every case he handles.


Chambers & Partners 2019: “He is incredibly easy to work with. He also has great technical ability and excellent judgement.” “A fantastic advocate who is great at getting results for clients.”

Chambers & Partners 2018:“He is energetic and you can tell he has a good understanding of what’s going on. He’s also really good on his feet and gets on well with clients.” “His way of cross-examination is very charming and he also has a great eye for detail.”

Chambers & Partners 2017: “He’s a real fighter, who is very vivacious and very protective of his clients and witnesses when he’s in court.” “He has a great rapport with clients and offers sound, pragmatic advice.”




LL.B (Hons)

LL.M (International Human Rights)

Bar Vocational Course (Very Competent)

Lawyer Rankings

Regional Bar > Midland Circuit > Social housing

(Leading Juniors)Ranked: Tier 1

Tom Lawal St Ives Chambers ‘Tom is a highly engaging and competent barrister. His preparation is thorough and he is a compelling and persuasive advocate. He quickly wins the confidence and trust of clients and witnesses, and has the gravitas to command respect in court. Tom is also highly approachable, provides pragmatic advice and is a joy to work with.’

St Ives Chambers continues to field a strong team of housing law specialists with members’ expertise spanning antisocial behaviour cases, possession claims, and disrepair work, among other areas. With considerable experience handling all aspects of housing law, including tolerated trespasser and human rights issues, Michael Singleton heads the housing practice group at chambers. Richard Dewsbery is often instructed in relation to multi-day possession claims complicated by mental health and capacity issues. He also acts for landlords facing housing conditions claims. ‘Compelling and persuasive advocateTom Lawal has notable experience in possession and injunction proceedings. Tom Russell and Ben Chapman are new recruits from KCH Garden Square.

Regional Bar > Midland Circuit > Family: children and domestic abuse

(Leading Juniors)Ranked: Tier 3

Tom Lawal St Ives Chambers