
Michael Lohmus

St Ives Chambers, West Midlands

Work Department

Michael Lohmus is a Barrister specialising in Family law.


Year of Call: 2005

As a result of having a background in defending in serious criminal law cases Michael has acted in cases where there have been concurrent criminal and care proceedings.

Notable Cases

Birmingham City Council v H (A Minor) [1994] 1 All ER 12 House of Lords


Family Law Bar Association

Association of Lawyers for Children

Formerly Law Society Children’s Panel Member for over 15 years

Formerly Law Society Mental Health Review Tribunal Member for over 9 years

Formerly Supervisor for Criminal, Family and Mental Health Categories of Work for the Legal

Services Commission

Formerly Elected Member of the Birmingham Law Society

Former Secretary of the Criminal Law Committee of the Birmingham Law Society


Michael acts for parents and children with disabilities including those with severe learning or mental health difficulties and is regularly instructed on behalf of the Official Solicitor.


LLB (Hons) University of Sheffield

Admitted as a Solicitor in 1975

Higher Courts (All Proceedings) Qualification [August 1994]