9 St John Street

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Rachel Wedderspoon

9 St John Street, North West


Called 1993; Middle Temple; 9 St John Street Chambers 1994 to date; contributor ‘Encyclopaedia of Employment Law’ (Sweet & Maxwell).


ELA; ELBA; ILS executive committee member.


Employment law; acts for both respondents and claimants in the Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal; specialist area is discrimination law in particular race, sex and disability; acted for NHS trusts, police authorities, local authorities, a number of well-known companies and trade unions. Recent examples of cases conducted include: 3 week whistleblowing and disability discrimination case for claimant; appeal to EAT concerning failure to make reasonable adjustments and level of Vento award for a national company; 3 week direct disability discrimination case for police authority.


Dartford Grammar School for Girls; Manchester University (LLB Hons 2(1)).