9 St John Street

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Geraint Jones

9 St John Street, North West


Called 1976; Middle Temple; QC 2001.


Chairman Wales Commercial Law Association (2000-02); judicial panel of the International Rugby Board; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Chancery Bar Association; Professional Negligence Bar Association; COMBAR; Wales Commercial Law Association.


Commercial and property group. Chancery work: especially real property, mortgages, trusts, company, insolvency and partnership litigation; commercial disputes: contract, transport and travel law, banking and product liability; professional negligence and sports law; environmental law; public law (including misfeasance in public office); arbitrations in commercial and real property matters. Geraint Jones has pursued a substantial Chancery, commercial and professional negligence practice over many years and has specialised in these fields for some 15 years or more. Reported decisions: Wales Tourist Board v Roberts (The Times 10 January 1987); Harris v Welsh Development Agency [1999] 3 EGLR 207; Ford v GKR Construction [2000] 1WLR 1097; Havenledge v Graeme John & Ptnrs [2001] PNLR; White v Chubb [2002] 1 P&CR Digest 22; and most recently UCB V Williams [2002] 2 P&CR Digest 33 (C/A: BCCI v Aboody not followed on causation in actual undue influence cases); Alpha Lettings Ltd v Neptune Research & Development Inc [2003] EWCA Civ 704 (period of notice to terminate a distributorship agreement). Formerly junior counsel of choice for Solicitors’ Indemnity Fund for South Wales area (real property/conveyancing matters). Advisory and advocacy work for The Environment Agency & Dept the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Advisory and advocacy work for Sony (UK) Ltd; Texaco plc; Associated British Ports; Templar Properties Ltd; Eagle Star (Axa); Land Authority for Wales. Advisory and advocacy work for numerous local authorities. Litigation relating to all aspects of real property disputes, mortgages and trusts. Advising upon and drafting standard contractual conditions for trade association members.


Jesus College, Cambridge (MA Cantab).