9 St John Street

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Victoria Rigby

9 St John Street, North West


Called 2000; Middle Temple

In the Autumn of 2004, Victoria was awarded a Pegasus Scholarship, which enabled her to work in Vancouver’s leading clinical negligence law firm, Harper Grey Easton.




Victoria Rigby’s personal injury practice to date has covered all aspects of Personal Injury litigation, including road traffic accident fraud, low velocity impact cases, accidents at work, health and safety litigation, MIB claims, Defective Premises Act claims, tripping and slipping litigation and assessment of damages. Victoria receives instructions from both Claimants and Defendants.

A key part of Victoria's practice today includes the niche area of equine/animal law, or more generally cases involving personal injury caused by animals. Victoria has a thorough understanding of the Animals Act 1971 and its application to cases involving livestock/horses and dogs. She has received instructions from leading horse law firm, P Jane MD Phillips and more recently Knights. She has advised on several cases involving horses, for riding schools, race yards and riders, in light of the controversial decision in Mirvahedy v Henley [2003] UKHL 16.

Her time in Vancouver was spent working alongside trial advocates on cases relating to all levels of clinical negligence, including childbirth litigation. Of particular interest was the overlap between Canadian and English law in this area.


BA (Hons) French & Spanish, Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

Post Graduate Diploma in Law, Nottingham Trent Law School

Diplock Scholar - Middle Temple

Pegasus Scholar - Middle Temple