
Nicola Carroll

Nicola Carroll

18 St John Street, North West


Nicola is an established criminal practitioner with over 16 years’ experience. She is an extremely capable advocate with excellent client care.

She is appointed as a Level 3 Prosecutor on the Crown Prosecution Service Advocate Panel and has been appointed to the CPS Rape and Serious Sexual Abuse List.

Prior to joining the Independent Bar Nicola spent 14 years as a Prosecutor at the Crown Prosecution Service in the North West where she litigated the most serious and complex cases including Murder, Death by Dangerous Driving, Rape and Serious Sexual Offences, high value Frauds, and lengthy and voluminous Drug conspiracies and operations.

She now regularly instructed by the Prosecution and the Defence in a vast range of serious cases.

Nicola also has expertise in cases involving youths—prosecuting and defending, particularly those charged under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 where a careful and sensitive approach to both the defendant and the complainant, and their families, is required.

She has attended Ground Rules Hearings in appropriate cases and is fully equipped to accept instructions in cases involving the most vulnerable of our society, including those cases which will fall within S28 Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999.

Nicola also regularly represents clients with mental health illnesses and has appeared as a court-appointed advocate to represent the interests of clients unable to participate in their criminal proceedings due to their illness.


Nicola has delivered training to GMP, Lancashire Constabulary and the GMC on ABE matters and RASSO topics generally.

In January 2018 Nicola assisted the Crown Prosecution Service during a period of Peer Review of all Rape cases charged in the North West region. This project was necessary and vital following the joint review of the disclosure process in the case of R v Allan and other collapsed rape cases nationally.  Nicola reviewed a vast number of cases and provided advice in respect of disclosure where it arose.

Nicola also previously worked with the Inspectorate of the CPS, HMCPSi, and was a contributor to the report “Achieving Best Evidence in Child Sexual Abuse Cases – a Joint Inspection.”

Family Law

In 2020 Nicola also started to accept instructions in Family Law cases and she has spent time shadowing experienced family practitioners both in Court and in a Solicitors practice.   She has conducted a number of hearings in her own right including a 2 day finding of fact hearing.    She has acted both for parents and local authorities in child care proceedings and has acted for a number of clients in private law proceedings.