
James Preece

James Preece

18 St John Street, North West


Before being called to the Bar, James spent time developing his experience in preparation for pupillage.  He has worked as an appropriate adult (supporting young/vulnerable people detained at police stations) and as an A level Law teacher.

James was called to the Bar in 2016. He undertook his pupillage under the supervision of Colin Buckle became a tenant in September 2017 and is available to take instructions in all areas of Criminal Law.

During pupillage, James observed/assisted with many of his pupil supervisor’s serious criminal cases in the Crown Court.  James assisted another member of Chambers in responding to an Attorney General’s reference and attended at the Court of Appeal for the hearing.

James has appeared in cases in the Youth Court, the Magistrates’ Court, and the Crown Court.  This work has included various types of hearings including: first appearance/ plea and trial preparation; Magistrates’ trial; bail; application to dismiss/ no case to answer/ abuse of process; sentence; contempt of court proceedings; appeals against conviction/ sentence to the Crown Court; confiscation and forfeiture.

James prosecutes and defends.  James has already started to develop a specialist interest in the area of bad character evidence and has been commended on his very detailed knowledge of the area.  James increasingly works on cases relating to confiscation and forfeiture under Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

James works hard and prides himself on a thorough and careful approach to his cases.  His preparation of cases is meticulous.

When he is not in court, James enjoys running and travelling.  His greatest achievement in running is completion of the Edinburgh Marathon.  Before starting pupillage he went backpacking across Thailand and Vietnam.