
Siobhan Grey KC

Siobhan Grey KC

18 St John Street, North West

Work Department



Siobhan Grey KC  joined 18 St John Street Chambers, Manchester, in January 2023. She is an experienced Silk practising exclusively in crime. She specialises in defending cases of Murder, Organised Crime and Sexual Offences.


Siobhan Grey KC  joined 18 St John Street Chambers, Manchester, in January 2023. She is an experienced Silk practising exclusively in crime. She specialises in defending cases of Murder, Organised Crime and Sexual Offences.

She has been described by the Legal Directories as:

‘A passionate, smooth advocate with great communication skills’. ‘Technically gifted’. 'Openminded, methodical, meticulous and scientific in her approach to forensic evidence'. ‘She fights for her client and goes that extra mile’. ‘ Very hard working and persuasive’.

Siobhan has extensive experience of cross-examining witnesses and dealing with complex expert evidence including psychiatric, pathological, and scientific forensic evidence.

She has repeatedly been instructed to defend in high profile murder cases; she masters the detail is tenacious in her approach and is committed, totally focused and knows her case inside and out.

As well as conducting legal aid work, she is also regularly instructed by solicitors across the country on a private basis in relation to Sexual Offences due to her skills in cross-examination of prosecution witnesses and the way in which she examines-in-chief Defendants.

In 2021 Siobhan Grey was instrumental in getting a conviction for murder overturned in the Court of Appeal. This was following fresh evidence having been obtained by investigative journalists based in Warsaw, Poland. The Defendant was unanimously acquitted of murder and manslaughter after a retrial at the Old Bailey. The case was the subject of a documentary entitled, ‘’The Fourth Man’ (‘Czwarty Czlowiek’) by TVN24 Poland (Jakub Stachowiak and Patryk Szczepaniak ).

Siobhan Grey KC has recently lectured and chaired seminars on ‘Neuroscience and the law’; Pathology and the Crime Scene; ‘Psychiatry and Homicide’. DNA and sexual offences’. She has also co-authored an article, ‘An Avenue to Miscarriage in Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology' in 2022.

Her recent cases include:

R v S - Preston Crown Court (Feb/March 2023) Murder trial lasting 5 weeks appearing for the first Defendant.

This was a high profile case involving the murder of a young woman in Blackburn who was shot and killed in a botched murder plot. The intended victim escaped unharmed. The prosecution’s case was that the defendant was the mastermind behind the plan. Defendant Acquitted of Murder.

R v H - Birmingham Crown Court (April 2023) The Defendant was charged with attempted murder having left home with a knife and attacked a random stranger in the street. The case involved three psychiatrists and issues relating to paranoid schizophrenia. Prosecution accepted a lesser charge.

R v P – Manchester Crown Court (May 2023). Murder trial appearing for the Defence.

The Defendant was charged with the high-profile murder of a Manchester Met University student. The prosecution alleged that, in response to a light-hearted comment, the Defendant produced a flick-knife which he proceeded to use causing 8 stab wounds. The killing was caught on CCTV. Defendant was acquitted of Murder, jury found manslaughter. The Prosecution sought to AG Reference the sentence for being unduly lenient but the application was not referred.


Siobhan Grey KC has a vast amount of experience in cross-examining witnesses in rape and other sexual offences.

R v M  Carlisle Crown Court ( June 2023) Allegations of sexual touching involving young children. Defendant acquitted of all charges.

R v R - Chichester Crown Court ( January 2023) Student accused of rape. Defendant acquitted of the Rape.

R v K - Birmingham Crown Court (November 2022) The Defendant was a night club owner charged with multiple allegations of rape involving two female students. Defendant acquitted of all charges.

R v JR ( Lewes Crown Court) June 2022. Defended a police community support officer charged with multiple rapes. Defendant acquitted of all charges.

Siobhan accepted an invitation to join Chambers as a door tenant in 2023. She will continue to practise in London but looks forward to appearing on behalf of defendants in the courts of the Northern Circuit.


Presented a zoom seminar on Diminished Responsibility in Homicide cases. May 2020.

Presented a seminar on Expert witnesses in Homicide cases – a look at Pathology, DNA, Blood Spatter and Neuro-Psychiatry. July 2019.

Presented a seminar on Disclosure in the Criminal Courts, Gray’s Inn, Oct. 2017.

Presented a seminar on the Export Control Act 2002 and the export of Dual Use Goods, July 2017.

Chaired a seminar on Freedom of Expression and the Internet and criminal offences Florence University, July 2013.

Devised and presented a Symposium at the European Parliament’s Grand Chamber on the Impact of the Internet and Social Media Platforms. Brussels, June 2012.


Northern Circuit • Regional Bar

Crime (general and fraud)

Leading silk3
Siobhan Grey KC – 18 St John Street Chambers 'Siobhan is one of the best barristers to instruct for all serious and complex criminal allegations. She always finds time to have professional conferences with you to ensure that the litigation she requires is prepared correctly, and she provides clear guidance as to what work is needed to defend a case.'