
Rehana Begum

Rehana Begum

18 St John Street, North West

Work Department

Public and private law family proceedings, mental health, social services.


Public Law (Children)  – Representation of Local Authorities, Parents, and Children in cases involving complex issues of fact and law in the following areas:

Fractures Head Injuries Sexual Abuse (including between children) Factitious Induced Illness Death of children Linked care and criminal proceedings One spouse accused of killing the other Chronic neglect Secure Accomodation Discharge of Care Orders Adoption Wardship Deprivations of Liberty involving children Cases involving cross-jurisdictional issues and the application and interpretation of Brussels II.

Private Law (Children) – Represent parents in applications for:

Child Arrangements Orders (residence and contact) Finding of fact hearings involving serious allegations of domestic violence Temporary and Permanent removal from the jurisdiction (Hague Convention and Non Hague Convention countries). Same Sex Parentage disputes arising from Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008.

Court of Protection – Representation of local authorities, parents and children in welfare disputes (contact, residence, medical treatment) relating to 16 to 18 year olds who lack mental capacity and who straddle both the Children Act and Court of Protection jurisdictions.

FMPO – Representation of local authorities and children and adults seeking the protection of an order as well as those against whom allegations of forced marriage have been made. Particular interest in cases involving allegations of honour based violence.

General – Rehana has amassed a wealth of knowledge and expertise in her 23 years of practice as a Solicitor and Barrister which she is regularly called upon to share in the form of seminars for solicitors, social workers and members of the judiciary.  Rehana has particular expertise in acting for Local Authorities and the insight gained as a former local authority solicitor has proved advantageous when acting for and against Local Authorities whenever scrutiny of Local Authority decision making processes is required; including in the context of Human Rights Act (Article 6 & Article 8) violations.


Called 2004; Lincoln’s Inn.


Family Law Bar Association.


Buttershaw Upper School, Bradford; University of Leeds; School of Law: Leeds. Qualifications: BA (Hons) First Class – physical education and public media, barrister at law, former Solicitor.


Northern Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading junior2
Rehana Begum – 18 St John Street Chambers 'Rehana is superb and always on top of her brief. She is a robust and a fair advocate.'