
Nicholas Clarke

Nicholas Clarke

18 St John Street, North West

Work Department

Serious crime, serious fraud, serious sexual offences, civil, educational law.


Nicholas Clarke has worked in the law since 1985, qualifying as a solicitor in 1991 before transferring to the Bar in 2001. Nick worked for over ten years in London where his practice was general common law, including family. Since moving to the North West, Nick has developed a practice that deals principally in criminal matters, although he maintains a keen interest in the areas of common law in which he became proficient as a solicitor, particularly social welfare law, mental health, education, consumer, company law, landlord and tenant, general taxation and VAT.Nick is a member of the Criminal Bar Association (CBA) and Child Proverty Action Group. Criminal practice: Nick practices in complex white collar fraud and substantial drug offences. He also prosecutes on behalf of the CPS, Customs and Excise, the Inland Revenue and Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) as a Category B member of the A-G’s panel. Criminal work undertaken includes substantial fraud, drugs offences, serious violence, sexual offences and general serious and complex crime. Nicholas was appointed to the Attorney General’s Unified List of Prosecuting Counsel in 2006. Civil practice: Nick also practices in public law. Matters undertaken to date include Trading Standards, Actions against the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), applications before the Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT), advising on welfare benefit entitlement, advising under the Public Access scheme on general taxation and Company Law, Data Protection, Money Laundering and in particular applications before the Crown and High Courts under the Proceeds of Crime legislation.


Called 1991.


Criminal Bar Association.