Region Area


Clodagh Maguire

Clodagh Maguire

Work Department

Family - ChildrenPersonal InjuryFamily - Finance


For more than 10 years, Clodagh has specialised in care proceedings. She has a robust and tenacious approach, along with an ability to identify and analyse the issues in complex cases and to undertake multi-day and multi-week hearings including those involving contested expert evidence.

Having successfully completed the FLBA Advocacy and the Vulnerable training [2022], she endeavours to ensure that a balance is struck between advancing her client’s case effectively, exploring the relevant issues, whilst ensuring vulnerable witnesses are not subjected to undue stress.

Clodagh’s expertise includes issues of:

Linked care and criminal proceedings Death of a child by overlaying whilst co-sleeping Fabricated or Induced Illness (FII) Physical Injuries/ Non-accidental injuries (NAI) involving expert evidence as to causation Sexual abuse Child cruelty Chronic neglect Deprivation of Liberty (children) Adoption Discharge of care orders Forced Marriage prevention orders Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Clodagh is experienced in Re W [2010] applications to consider whether children should give evidence in proceedings and in re HDH and C [2021] proportionality arguments as to what allegations are necessary to be determined during finding of fact or composite final hearings with regard to the outcome to be achieved.

Clodagh continues to accept instructions in matrimonial finances and in complex Private Law cases, including child arrangement orders where there are allegations of implacable hostility, finding of fact hearings regarding domestic abuse, specific issue applications and applications for temporary and permanent leave to remove from the jurisdiction.


Clodagh read Sociology at the University of Salford, achieving a first-class honours degree for which she was a recipient of one of the year prizes. Thereafter she completed the Post-Graduate Diploma in Law (PGDL) and the Bar Vocational Course (very competent) in Manchester. She received a Michael Hodge scholarship award and was called to the bar in 2003 by the Inner Temple.


FLBA (Family Law Bar Association) ALC (Association of Lawyers for Children)


Northern Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading junior4
Clodagh Maguire �� St John’s Buildings 'Clodagh goes over and above in terms of drafting and advice. She prioritises her matters and has in-depth knowledge of the proceedings.'