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Angus MacDonald
Angus MacDonald has a successful practice both prosecuting and defending in serious crime, with particular expertise in large scale and complex frauds. Angus has been instructed in some of the country’s largest criminal cases, most notably the prosecution arising out of the Hillsborough Disaster and its aftermath, which has been described as “the largest in English Criminal history”. Angus is renowned for his work ethic and his ability to analyse masses of evidence generated by large-scale investigations. He is able to quickly grasp complex matters and communicates persuasively with juries. He is described by those who regularly instruct him as “unflappable” and “brilliant”.
Bryan Cox KC
ryan Cox is a specialist in Crime and Child Care law, who has been consistently highly commended in the legal directories as a leading silk in Crime and Regulatory Law. In 2018 the The Legal 500 short listed him as Circuit Silk of the Year. Before taking Silk, he specialised in Crime, Regulatory law and Judicial Review, and since taking silk he has focussed on defending in high profile cases of homicide in the Crown Court, and representing parents in child care cases in the Family Court. He has recently represented an intervenor, the Sheffield Children’s (NHS) Foundation Trust, in a major consolidated Fact Finding concerning allegations of FII in care proceedings, in which the High Court has given guidance in relation to FII cases and the application if the Royal College of Surgeons Guidance. Since taking silk in 2006, many of his criminal and care cases have been those in which medical issues have been foremost, for example cases of child suffocation, strangulation and poisoning. He has wide experience of appearing in cases concerning ‘shaken baby syndrome’, and he is very familiar with the medical debate and relevant literature in that area, and he has extensive experience of cross-examining the leading experts in the applicable fields of neuropathology, paediatric neuropathology, ophthalmic pathology, histopathology and paediatric radiology. His expertise in medical cases places him in demand both in the Criminal and Child Care jurisdictions. In Care Proceedings he frequently represents parents in major fact finding and welfare hearings, especially those concerning allegations of head injury and, serious sexual abuse, and allegations of factitious or induced illness. He is experienced in dealing with clients who are vulnerable whether by reason of age or neuro-diversity, such as autism spectrum disorder. He is familiar with the learning in these areas. Before taking silk, his practice included Crime, Judicial Review and Regulatory Crime. He was appointed to the Attorney General’s ‘A’ List, and he often prosecuted and defended in major high profile cases arising from fatalities in train derailment, chemical explosions, and industrial accidents. He often represented public bodies and major corporations in Health & Safety prosecutions and chemical spillages, and he was instructed on behalf of teaching staff in relation to fatalities in schools and during outdoor activities; he has appeared at a number of high-profile inquests such as the ‘Stainforth Beck’ inquest when 2 children died during school river walking activities. Before taking silk, he was very experienced in defending serious sexual allegations and he is very familiar with the issues that arise in such cases such as abuse of process, disclosure and public interest immunity. He sits as a Recorder, and is authorised to try Crime, including serious sexual offences, and Civil Cases. He has an interest in Human Rights, and was recently instructed in the class action brought by 20,000 Kenyans against the Foreign and Colonial Office in respect of abuses committed by the security forces during the Kenyan Emergency during the 1950’s
Denise  Breen-Lawton KC
Denise Breen-Lawton KC is an experienced terrorism, homicide, fraud and organised crime Barrister, and acts both for the Defence and Prosecution in cases of the most complex and serious nature. Denise was elected Joint Head of Chambers in September 2022, alongside Sam Green KC. She is the first ever female head of chambers at St Pauls. She is also the first ever female criminal silk to come from St Pauls Chambers. Coming from a humble background and state school educated, she was the first in her family to attend university and can therefore easily communicate with, and relate to, people from all backgrounds. She was the only person on her Business Management degree to achieve a First Class Honours and was made a Master of the Bench at Gray’s Inn before taking silk. She is on the management, elections, and equality and diversity committees in her role as a Bencher and is Master of the library.
George Hazel-Owram
George Hazel-Owram is an outstanding and persuasive advocate, renowned for his meticulous preparation. He has been involved in some of the largest criminal cases in the country that have taken place over the past decade. He regularly undertakes complex work that far exceeds his year of call. George specialises in all aspects of heavyweight fraud and serious violent crime. He has been involved in some of the largest fraud trials in the country in recent times. George is regularly instructed by both the prosecution and the defence. He has been instructed for both the defence and the prosecution in a number of high profile murder trials. In recent years George has undertaken criminal, misconduct and inquest work involving serving police officers.
Hannah Lynch
Hannah Lynch has a busy practice across Civil, Education Law (and related areas of Public Law), Family Law and Court of Protection proceedings. Hannah’s practice encompasses Civil / Public Law (with a focus on Education / SEND), Family and Court of Protection. She is listed by The The Legal 500 as a leading junior in Education / Public Law. Hannah is appointed to the Attorney General’s Regional C Panel of Junior Counsel to the Crown.
Helen Chapman
Helen Chapman has a mixed practice, with particular interest in cases involving heavy-weight complex crime,  terrorism and serious sexual offences. Helen is a meticulous and effective advocate with a personable style and an easy manner.
James Bourne-Arton KC
James Bourne-Arton KC  has a strong practice in serious and organised crime and regulatory work. Specialising in complex fraud,  James has developed a practice defending financial professionals accused of fraud, offences under the Financial Services and Markets Act and money laundering. He is known for giving clear and concise advice in cases that involve a large amount of evidence and complex legal and financial issues. He is also in demand for cases alleging serious and complex crime and is instructed to represent individuals charged with murder, terrorism and organised crime. He has also developed a reputation as fearlessly representing individuals brought before their regulatory bodies. is described in the Legal 500 as “A very personable and accomplished advocate”
Jane Brady
Jane Brady is a very highly regarded criminal practitioner whose advocacy, case preparation and client care have always set her apart. She was briefed to represent a 13 year old charged with murder when she was just 2 years’ call. Jane is a Grade 4 Prosecutor and defends and prosecutes the most serious cases for a Junior, often involving legally complex issues, expert evidence and vulnerable witnesses and defendants. Jane is briefed in the full spectrum of criminal cases including murder, attempted murder, serious violence (baby shaking, s.18, armed robbery, kidnap), arson, bomb hoaxes, drugs conspiracies, fraud, burglary conspiracies, CSE, child cruelty, sexual offences, prison officer misconduct and road traffic cases including fatalities. She has worked for HM Revenue and Customs, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the Health & Safety Executive and the Post Office. She has conducted complex confiscation hearings with success for both the Prosecution and Defence, due to her accounts expertise. A tenacious opponent, she is a stickler for detail and disclosure and is determined to do justice to a case. She has only appeared 5 times at the Court of Appeal (which she sees as a good thing), including an entry in Banks on Sentence for R v G and M 2015 EWCA Crim 32 – Sex Offences with Children. Defendant aged 16-17. Post-guideline case.
John Harrison KC
‘A highly accomplished silk in the field of financial services. John is a first-class advocate and has a clarity of thought and expression that cuts through a lot of irrelevant material’ – Legal 500 2023 (Business & Regulatory Crime) ‘John is a silk who commands respect. It is extremely easy for lay clients to like him’ Legal 500 2023 (Crime General & Fraud) ‘John is excellent at processing large amounts of complex evidence and is diligent in his case preparation. His advocacy is persuasive and juries love him’ Legal 500 2022 (Crime General & Fraud) ‘John has an incredible ability to cut through regulations and legislation to succinctly identify the key points. He is an effortless advocate. When he speaks, the court listens’ Legal 500 2022 (Business & Regulatory Crime) ‘Very well known for his expertise in health and safety matters’ Legal 500 2021 ‘Bribery and corruptions cases are a particular speciality’, Legal 500 2020 ‘Recommended for prosecution and defending serious criminal matters’ Legal 500 2019 ‘Very well known for his expertise in health and safety matters’, Legal 500 2018 Ranked as a Leading Silk – Legal 500 2024 John Harrison was called to the bar in 1994 and took Silk in 2016. John is a criminal law and regulatory specialist and has a specific expertise in regulatory areas including Financial Regulation, including both unregulated and Financial Conduct Authority regulated matters. He also has a particular interest in tax tribunal work. John undertakes advisory and litigation work for both prosecution and defence in respect of Serious Crime, Corporate Manslaughter, Gross Negligence Manslaughter, Environmental Law and Health and Safety Offences. John is an extremely popular barrister who has earned a reputation of being both a master tactician and an outstanding trial advocate. He is well known for his capability to handle the most complex of cases with a clear, pragmatic approach. John’s background in civil litigation and commercial law makes him particularly well placed to assist clients across a range of litigation areas. John regularly represents both Respondents and Interested Parties in all areas of Civil Recovery & Restraint including Civil Forfeiture, Investigation Orders, Restraint Proceedings, Cash Seizure, Enforcement Proceedings, Confiscation Proceedings, Civil Recovery, Account Freezing, Money Laundering Advice and Crown Court POCA. Although based on the Northern Circuit he has a national practice. For further information or to instruct John Harrison KC please contact the Director of Clerking, David Wright. Fraud: R v. Arnold – Defence – Parliamentary and police investigation into fraudulent expenses claimed by Jared O’Mara MP for whom Mr. Arnold was Chief of Staff. R v. Sorby – Defence - SFO prosecution. Sorby was the retired managing director of Sarclad Ltd who traded internationally in steel manufacturing equipment. The company had entered into a Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA) with the SFO, after undertaking an internal investigation. The DPA was anonymised to XYZ. Sorby was prosecuted by the SFO following the outcome of their investigation, which was in reality, an adoption of the investigation carried out by Sarclad’s solicitors. After a lengthy trial Sorby was acquitted by the jury casting doubt over the DPA process itself. Satellite litigation included SFO v. XYZ. R v. Wharton – Defence - Operation Circus, the lead defendant in both international property investment and ponzi investment frauds. R v. Patterson – Defence - Operation Bamburgh 1, North East Property Buyers fraud involving mortgage, re-sale/re-mortgage and property investment scheme frauds. R v. Marr – Defence - Operation Bamburgh 2, conspiracy to defraud, property development and mortgage fraud, electronic presentation R v. Akegwure – CPS - Conspiracy to defraud, identity and credit fraud, company identities stolen and used to purchase or lease computer equipment R v. Roberts - Defence – Fraudulent trading and money laundering in relation to the selling of utility company contracts and the failure of the company involved. R v. Sargent & Brownhill – CPS - NHS fraud and false accounting, diversion of funds from service users of care homes by managers of those care homes. R v. Kiani – Defence - Conspiracy to defraud and fraudulent trading offences prosecuted by the SFO. Defending a complex asset stripping fraud involving ‘white wash’ company purchases, inter-company loans, and the use of factoring agents. Civil Recovery & Restraint Chief Constable of Cheshire Police v ACC & MCAP – Interested Party in Forfeiture Order Application - Instructed to advise and represent commercial clients in regard to several hundred thousand pounds subject to an account freezing order. When the Chief Constable of Cheshire Police applied for a forfeiture order, John Harrison KC was successful in his application to have his client joined to the proceedings as an Interested Party. At the Forfeiture Order Application the proceedings were concluded in the favour of the Interested Party with recovery of previously frozen assets. Corporate & Gross Negligence Manslaughter R v. Michael Holgate – Defence – Gross negligence manslaughter. The defendant was the operator of a haulage company whose HGV was involved in a collision causing a double fatality on the M62. R v. Greenfeeds Ltd – CPS – Corporate manslaughter, gross negligence manslaughter, health and safety offences. Two workers drowned at a business manufacturing liquid animal feed. R v. Roofing Consultants Limited – CPS - Fatality following fall from height, health and safety offences. R v. Al Amin Warehouse – CPS - Corporate manslaughter, gross negligence manslaughter, health and safety offences. Fatality following fall from height, health and safety offences. R v. Huntley Mount Engineering – CPS - Corporate manslaughter, gross negligence manslaughter, health and safety offences. Fatality involving a young apprentice at an engineering company, health and safety offences. R v. Pyranha Mouldings – CPS - Corporate manslaughter, gross negligence manslaughter, health and safety offences. Fatality at a canoe factory, health and safety offences. R v. Sherwood Rise Ltd – CPS – Corporate manslaughter, gross negligence manslaughter, health and safety offences. Fatality at a care home, elderly resident neglected, health and safety offences. Serious Crime R v. Donaldson, Sladek & Hargreaves – CPS – Murderous group revenge attack after tit for tat escalating violence. R v. McGowan – Defence – Alleged murder of the defendant’s father. Acquitted after trial. R v. Rutowicz – Defence – Alleged joint murder of the defendant’s friend. Acquitted of murder after trial R v. Musgrave - Defence - Alleged group attack by way of summary justice in Hartlepool, acquitted after trial. R v. O’Donnell – Defence - Conspiracy to murder in Bolton, acquitted of conspiracy to murder after trial having admitted conspiracy to commit robbery. R v. Ghazanfar – Defence - Group revenge attack on several other young men, one of whom was killed. R v. Goodall – Defence – Gang related murder involving numerous defendants. Joint enterprise and bad character both major factors in the case. R v. Liam Johnson – Defence – Conspiracy to murder, two brothers paid to kill complainant, attacked with axe and knife, complex issues witness intimidation & cut throat defences. R v. Callaghan, Ojengbede & Others – Defence – Attempted murder, shotgun used, drug turf war, complex factual case with extensive bad character issues. R v. Barker-Jones & Others – Defence – Aggravated burglary and double attempted murder, revenge attack on father and son, complex issues as to defendants mental state. R v. Onfroy & Hollis – CPS - Murder to steal drugs and money, convicted after trial. Crime - Terrorism: R v. Wright – Defence – Offences of disseminating terrorist publications, manufacturing a firearm, possession of a prohibited firearm, possession of components of a 3D printed firearm for terrorist purposes and collecting information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism. Extreme right wing ideology terrorism offences by Telegram Chat, Telegram Channels and the manufacture of a 3D printed firearm. R v. Hussini – Defence – Offences of disseminating terrorist publications. Distribution of Islamic state terrorism videos capable of encouraging terrorism. Environmental: EA v. Fenny – Defence - Unauthorised waste operation offences at various sites in Middlesbrough area. EA v. Smith – Defence - Waste management offences described as the worst ever seen in South Yorkshire.
Jonathan Sandiford KC
“Focuses his practice on prosecution, with a strong track record in trading standards prosecutions,” “He has remarkable attention to detail” “Very experienced in prosecution work” “Noted for his experience in prosecution work” THE LEGAL 500 Jonathan Sandiford KC has maintained his reputation as a top-class advocate throughout his career. He has over 25 years’ experience in complex and sensitive cases including fraud and Trading Standards prosecutions, murder, terrorism, hate crimes (racial, religious and sexual orientation) and large scale drug dealing. His expertise and attention to detail have made him a firm favourite with prosecution agencies specialising in both crime & regulatory areas and, whilst those relationships continue to go from strength to strength Jonathan is also regularly instructed to defend by leading solicitors firms. Jonathan was sworn in as Queen’s Counsel in March 2020, prior to taking silk Jonathan regularly undertook work that might have usually been instructed to a QC, this was as a direct result of the confidence and trust in his abilities shown by the CPS Special Crime and Counter Terrorist Divisions as well as the eCrime Team of the National Trading Standards Board. Between March 2014 and September 2016 he was retained by the Crown Prosecution Service to advise the IPCC in respect of the investigation into alleged misconduct by South Yorkshire Police and others in the aftermath of the Hillsborough Stadium disaster. In 2015 he was instructed as Junior Counsel to prosecute youngest ever defendant charged and convicted of terrorism offences in the UK for inciting another to launch a murderous attack on the ANZAC Day Parade in Melbourne, Australia. He has prosecuted a number of cases involving the stirring up of racial, religious and other forms of hatred via the internet including the leading case of Sheppard and Whittle [2010] 1 Cr.App.R 26 in the Crown Court and later the Court of Appeal. In 2016 – 2017 Jonathan was instructed to prosecute two defendants first case in the United Kingdom involving the importation and supply via the Dark Web of the highly concentrated and dangerous opioid, Fentanyl. In 2017 Jonathan successfully prosecuted a defendant who was stopped at Manchester Airport as he tried to smuggle a viable improvised explosive device (IED) onto a Ryanair aeroplane at Manchester Airport with the intention of detonating it in flight. In 2009 Jonathan was one of the youngest persons to be appointed to sit as a Recorder (part time judge) on the North Eastern Circuit.
Kristina Goodwin has a busy mixed practice and accepts instructions in a range of criminal, civil and prison matters, as well as inquests. Kristina is hard – working and meticulous in her preparation; she is recognised for her tenacious approach and naturally builds a positive rapport with both lay and professional clients
Nikki Saxton KC
Nicola Saxton KC works exclusively in the field of Family Law on the North Eastern Circuit, Northern Circuit and London. She has become known as one of the leading counsel in the field of financial remedy. Clients warm to her “understanding and approachable manner” and report that “she is always impeccably well-prepared… a great listener and someone you feel is never less than 100% on your side.” A First Class graduate in Law from the University of Cambridge, Nicola first set her sights on becoming a barrister at the age of 14. She says that she has a particular affinity for family law because: “It’s an area where I feel I can make a real difference to people’s lives.” Nicola lectures on Circuit to both the FLBA and Resolution and has been a participant in exhibition debates on circuit.
Robert Smith
Robert Smith practises in the field of personal injury and medical negligence. He acts for Claimants and Defendants in road traffic work. He holds a specialist interest in Employers’ Liability. He also undertakes work in public liability and disease litigation. Robert has undertaken work in a wide range of clinical negligence cases, including claims against hospital trusts for negligent obstetric treatment at childbirth and failure to diagnose in orthopaedic treatment. He has successfully defended actions brought against physiotherapists for alleged negligent treatment. Robert regularly acts in cases involving very significant injury, including brain injury, both individually and being led.
Sam Green KC
Sam Green KC was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1998 and to the Bar of Northern Ireland in 2007. Sam has a varied practice covering heavyweight litigation in the criminal, regulatory and civil jurisdictions. Sam is briefed in the most serious fraud, organised crime and terrorism cases. He has experience of conducting the most serious and complex Police Misconduct Proceedings, both presenting and defending. He recently acted on behalf of the Police Federation of England and Wales in the Hillsborough Inquests. He regularly acts for claimants, defendants and interested parties in Judicial Review claims, often in cases determining the proper interpretation of provisions from the host of regulations governing the police service. Sam was elected Joint Head of Chambers in September 2022, alongside Denise Breen-Lawton. He has significant experience in healthcare regulatory work, having appeared on behalf of healthcare professionals facing disciplinary proceedings brought by the HPC, GMC and NMC. Sam has a keen interest in matters of business crime and regulation. Matters brought by the Financial Conduct Authority are of particular interest. The 2023 Edition of the The Legal 500, Crime (General and Fraud) describes Sam as: “A very good and clear thinker with excellent strategic judgement.” Before taking silk, Sam was on “List A” of the List of Specialist Regulatory Health & Safety and Environmental Law Advocates and conducted civil litigation for government departments as Junior Counsel to the Crown (Regional Panel). In 2015, he was one of only three Queen’s Counsel on the list of new silks whose broad fields of practice were listed as both civil and criminal law, reflecting his unusual ability to straddle both jurisdictions successfully.
Simon Bickler KC
Simon Bickler KC’s practice encompasses all areas of Children Law. Simon is a highly regarded KC in the field of Public Law Children . He is described by the Legal 500 as “A silk at the height of his powers” and “A brilliant orator”,  “a consummate silk who builds good relationships with clients” and “A formidable and very astute advocate” Simon is personable and very good at building relationships. He is particularly good at reassuring and explaining the law to clients, and undertakes direct access work in order to ensure that clients can get access to his expertise for a reasonable cost. In particular those involving; intractable child arrangement disputes, serious non-accidental injuries and child fatalities with disputed medical evidence, often linked with criminal proceedings; allegations of sexual abuse; including false allegations of Fabricated and Induced Illness (FII), internal relocations and leave to remove from the jurisdiction. Simon was Head of Chambers between June 2016 and September 2022 and appointed a Deputy High Court Judge in July 2019. He has been ranked by the Legal Directories as a leading silk in family law since 2011. Most notably he was described as a ‘Silk at the height of his powers’. Simon represents Local Authorities, parents, Children’s Guardians, extended family, foster-carers and prospective adopters. It is noteworthy that Simon has spent a number of years as an accomplished advocate in the crown court. He is described by The Legal 500 as ‘a formidable and very astute advocate’.
Simon  Myerson KC
Simon Myerson KC is much sought after for cases that require both criminal and civil high-level experience – including on an advisory basis for victims of fraud or those faced with allegations of breach of professional discipline. Simon has been a barrister since 1986 and became a QC in 2003. He practises in both civil (largely defamation and commercial fraud) and criminal (murder, harassment and fraud). He is a member of the NE Circuit and practises from Leeds and Manchester. In his spare time he travels between his four children, three of whom live abroad, drinks wine, studies Talmud, and heads the Leeds Jewish Representative Council. Teaching is something for which he has real enthusiasm: he teaches advocacy for Middle Temple, of whose Education Committee he is vice-Chair, and he was the first diversity trainer on circuit. He has taught and written undergraduate courses on Judaism for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Before taking Silk, Simon supervised a total of 8 pupils. He began the website “Pupillage and How To Get It”, to help applicants and to improve diversity at the Bar.
Sophie Mitchell
Sophie Mitchell has an impressive Common Law and Commercial practice, specialising in Defamation, Harassment, Privacy and Confidentiality. Sophie was shortlisted by The Legal 500 for the ‘Regional Junior Barrister of the Year’ in 2019.