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James Arney KC

James Arney KC


James has an exclusively Personal Injury practice, split evenly between Claimant and Defendant instructions. Claim values are generally 7-figures, often appearing against silks. Defendant clients include Admiral Insurance (with claim values of up to £15m) and John Lewis: Claimant clients include Leigh Day, Irwin Mitchell and Slater & Gordon. Written work includes schedules, counter schedules and skeletons.

In addition to regular interlocutory appearances, James has also successfully conducted 7 substantial liability and/or quantum trials in the last 18 months. Quantum analysis lies at the heart of James’ work for either side, combining forensic analysis of the evidence with sound tactical judgment. Repeat instructions are attributed to the ability to relate to and mange lay clients from all walks of life, as well as a ‘team approach’ to litigation. James’ Defendant work benefits from his ability to package detailed advice in a format which insurers appreciate. Results in negotiations are a product of thorough preparation, sound judgment and second-guessing opponents.

James is currently involved in the accommodation claims test case appeal in Swift v Carpenter, having successfully conducted the quantum trial at first instance in 2018 resulting in an award of ~£4.1m for the amputation injury.


“…He has very impressive tactical nous and ability.” Band 2 Legal 500 (personal injury) 2015

Cited as ‘Leader at the Bar’ in the field of costs Chambers UK 2011 and 2012

‘…careful and convincing advocate’ Chambers and Partners (costs) 2012

‘…a classic pair of safe hands’ Legal 500 (personal injury) 2011

‘….a very good up-and-coming barrister in this field” Legal 500 (costs) 2011

‘…praised for his sensible and tactical advice and confident advocacy’ Legal 500 (costs) 2009

‘…good in this area, and on costs’ Legal 500 (personal injury) 2009


Undertakes Public Access work.


Called 1992; Lincoln’s Inn; member 2 Gray’s Inn Square Chambers 1993-2001; 1 Temple Gardens/Temple Gardens Chambers 2001 to date.




Bristol University (LLB).


Skiing, golf, bridge and chess.


London Bar

Personal injury

Leading silk3
James Arney KC – Temple Garden Chambers ‘James is impressiely on top of detailed and tricky expert evidence. He is skilfull and realistic in negotiations.’