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Charles Dougherty KC

Charles Dougherty KC


Charles specialises in commercial law, in particular commercial fraud, professional negligence, product liability, group litigation, private international law (including travel) and insurance. Recent cases include: Various Eateries v Allianz [2024] 2 All ER 414 (Covid business interruption); Diesel Emissions Litigation; Roberts v SSAFA [2023] AC 597 (applicable law and contribution); PDVSA v Clyde & Co [2020] Lloyd's Rep. F.C. 580 (arbitration, trusts and proceeds of crime); Brazil v Durant [2016] AC 297 (backwards tracing); Mitsui Sumitomo v MOPC [2016] AC 1488 (Liability under Riot (Damages) Act 1886 following August 2011 riots); Schubert Murphy v Law Society [2018] PNLR 4 (whether duty of care owed by Law Society).


BA, BCL (Oxon). Called 1997 (Middle Temple); Silk 2013. Called to the Bar of the BVI and ad hoc to the Bar of Nevis. Prior to joining chambers, Charles was a management consultant and a law lecturer.


Professional Negligence and Liability, Informa, contributor. European Civil Practice, Sweet & Maxwell (2nd ed.), assistant editor.


French, German, Swedish.


Commercial Bar Association (COMBAR); Professional Negligence Bar Association (PNBA).


Middle East: The English Bar


Leading silk2
Charles Dougherty KC – 2 Temple Gardens 'A detailed, methodical and quick-witted advocate, whose calm manner and matter-of-fact demeanour is effective in winning over judges. His busy practice reflects his popularity.'
London Bar

Commercial litigation

Leading silk2
Charles Dougherty KC –2 Temple Gardens ‘One of the very biggest names at the commercial Bar. You really can do no better than Charles.’
London Bar

Fraud: civil

Leading silk2
Charles Dougherty KC –2 Temple Gardens 'A powerful and persuasive advocate in court. A barrister who combines authority and personal charm.'
London Bar

Group litigation

Leading silk1
Charles Dougherty KC – 2 Temple Gardens 'Charles is a highly skilled, intelligent, and astute advocate with an impressive ability to marshal large volumes of complex evidence into clear and concise legal arguments. He provides commercial and pragmatic advice in a way that is easy for clients to digest and he is extremely approachable.'
London Bar

Insurance and reinsurance

Leading silk1
Charles Dougherty KC –2 Temple Gardens 'Charles is an eloquent and calm advocate who has a clear voice in the court room.'
London Bar

Personal injury

Leading silk1
Charles Dougherty KC – 2 Temple Gardens ‘An exceptional barrister with specialist expertise in conflict of laws.’ 
London Bar

Product liability

Leading silk1
Charles Dougherty KC –2 Temple Gardens 'Charles is a highly intelligent persuasive advocate. He can explain the most difficult legal concepts to a tribunal with a rare ease and calm. He is rightly sought after.'
London Bar

Professional negligence

Leading silk2
Charles Dougherty KC –2 Temple Gardens ‘He has a deep understanding of professional negligence law and is a well-prepared advocate.’
Content supplied by 2 Temple Gardens