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Charles Durrant

Charles Durrant


A criminal defence specialist with a practice beyond his years. Charlie is an intelligent and thoughtful lawyer and a quick and able advocate.

He has successfully appeared in all levels of criminal courts in England and Wales, save for the Supreme Court and in 2010 spent four months at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia as part of the defence team for Ieng Thirith, a Minister in the Khmer Rouge accused of Genocide. Charlie was admitted to the list of assistant defence counsel to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, a court whose jurisdiction includes for the first time in history terrorism as an international crime. Most recently Charlie has been instructed as a Disclosure Counsel on the historically significant Grenfell Inquiry.

Outside of his busy practice Charlie has completed a Masters Degree in law in 2009 writing his thesis on Part I RIPA 2000. He has also written for the Inner Temple yearbook, the Solicitors Journals and the Barrister magazine

Charles Durrant is accredited by the Bar Council to provide Public Access Services.

Recent Cases:

R v AM [2021] - SSO imposed at the end of lengthy proceedings for D's 2nd PWITS class A case, including a separate escape from custody. Successful opposition to Crown's forfeiture application re monies proved to have come legitimately from a well known Belgium football player - Kingston CC

R v Coppin and others [2021] - Honey trap conspiracy to rob trial - 4 days before Rec Clegg QC at Chelmsford CC - complex bad character and successful s.78 PACE argument surrounding her interview - acquitted.

R v Mula [2020] - burglary of Met Police Officer's house - defence involved proving the officer may have staged the crime scene, including placing blood upstairs in his own bedroom - expert evidence on blood spatters and DNA - contested bad character over a conviction for dwelling burglary revealed the PNC was wrong - Guildford CC - acquitted

R v Chipunza [2020] - Flying Squad Operation into two armed robberies of banks in Essex - case involved substantial legal arguments over a tainted police ID from CCTV; narratives from missing other CCTV; ANPR without proper RIPA authorisations; and a separate non PACE compliant civilian ID procedure. 2 week trial Chelmsford CC. HHJ Turner QC described Defence Counsel as ‘exemplary'.


R v Charles [2020] large scale violent disorder on the streets on Notting Hill between members of the ‘10/11' gang and the ‘harrow road boys' involving the discharge of a hand gun and the use of machetes - 3 weeks - Isleworth CC - successfully contested CBO terms which would have prevented him producing music with Fredo. Case features in BBC's ‘Defending Digga D'

R v. Ahmed [2020] Operation Yahtool - investigation into the sale of a loaded pump action shotgun purportedly used in a murder days before, to members of a gang in South Kilburn - 2 weeks - Isleworth Crown Court - acquitted of main allegation

R v. Kingswell-Shaw [2019] Operation Holms II - Conspiracy to commit aggravated burglary of a drugs factory in the North of England by another gang in Bedford - 5 weeks - Harrow Crown Court - convicted but served no additional sentence

R v. CH [2019] sexual assault and other matters of violence alleged against this juvenile whilst on an RAF base in Akrotiri, Southern Cyprus - acquitted of allegation of sexual impropriety and fined for battery

R v. Beech [2019] Operation Wisdom - Conspiracy to Burgle ATMS £500k+ and Conspiracy to Rob a drug dealer - Cell site, Covert Video and Audio Surveillance, Voice Analysis - Lewes CC

R v. Joseph [2019] Operation Holms II - Conspiracy to Supply drugs into both Prisons and Luton Crown Court during the currency of a trial - 11 defendants - ‘K Block' gang related case - over 300+ pages of legal argument uploaded - drill music videos, picture messaging, text message and certain call data excluded - 6 weeks trial - acquitted of one and convicted of other counts - Harrow CC

R v. Owen [2019] - Operation Midas - Multi-million pound 'misallocation' of Welsh Assembly Grant Funding into the Aquaculture industry - 5 years of police investigation - highly political - VHCC - Led Junior in Trial set down for 4-5 months - Cardiff CC - aquitted of all counts

R v. W [2016-9] over the course of 3 years Mr Durrant has represented this client across 14 separate indictments alleging various offences from harassment to robbery to mortgage fraud - Mr W was acquitted in all but 2 cases - one by his own plea to one count on a 4 count indictment leading to a community order and the other by a jury where he came close to successfully pleading insanity through a dissociative fugue to 3 counts of shoplifting - 4 psychiatrists called - sentence ultimately challenged in the CA

R v. Finn [2018] - Operation Scrabble - Conspiracy to Kidnap - firearms and other weapons used in the context of maintaining a successful County Line - Set down for 4 weeks - St Albans CC - acquitted

R v. SAC Ward [2018] - Allegation of GBH on a senior officer in a bar in Akrotiri, Southern Cyprus - digital analysis expert instructed - Military Court Centre in Cyprus - acquitted of all criminal charges and fined for a minor service offence - 85% costs returned.

R v. Baker [2018] - Operation Dougal 2 - Multi-million pound conspiracy to defraud, allied money laundering charges, allegations of perverting the course of justice and Consumer Protection Regulations infringements; all concerning the use of copycat websites. Led Junior in Trial 10 weeks - Teesside CC - acquitted of all 6 counts.

R v. Singh [2017] - Complex case concerning a black money scam which results in a man's untimely death - Manslaughter, false imprisonment, perverting the course of justice - pathology, telecoms data, voice recognition - Led Junior - 7 weeks - Nottingham CC before a HCJ - acquitted of all counts

R v. Hashim [2017] - Operation Action - Multi-handed fraud and money laundering trial surrounding the delay/repay compensation scheme operated by train companies - complex financial tracing, legal issues surrounding the definition of criminal property and a client with schizophrenia - 4 weeks trial at Blackfriars CC - acquitted

R v Ballard [2017] - Operation Einsteineum - Robbery amongst a wider conspiracy to steal motor cars in order to commit commercial burglaries - 13,000 pages - Croydon CC - acquitted

R v Shah [2017] - Operation Tornado - Flying Squad case of kidnap and blackmail - prosecuted by a silk - after a day of negotiations and legal argument Prosecution were persuaded to accept a plea to theft - client was given a suspended sentence order

R v. H [2017] - Historic allegations of familial rape with contemporaneous reporting to a firm of solicitors - case required highly sensitive cross examination and legal argument surrounding similar non-conviction bad character - 6 days Croydon CC - acquitted.

R v. Woodcraft [2015-16] - Operation Starling - Led junior in a complicated, multi-handed, multi million-pound money laundering case that was tried over 6 months in Bristol CC. Billed as the largest ever fraud against Carillion Tellent/British Telecom. The Defendant was acquitted by the Judge of 2 counts of money laundering after a successful submission of no case, and one further count by the Jury. Convicted on one remaining count.

R v. Salaad [2016] - Operation Fortress - Defendant number 2 of 6 but lead Defendant for all intents and purposes. Kidnap, Blackmail and Drugs conspiracy trial. The case had over 400,000 pages of used evidence. Involved multiple cut throats (against 4 separate Defendants) and lasted 9 weeks at Winchester CC - Prosecuted by two juniors

R v. (Business Innovations Skills Dept) v Rafferty [2016] - Client caught with a swimming pool of liquid tamezepan without a licence, found to have sold out of date cough syrup and other medicines by the tonne - all whilst in breach of his second separate disqualification order from acting as a director of a company - short suspended sentence engendered through long negotiations with Crown on pleas - a zero compensation and confiscation order after argument - the Crown had requested over £200k. Prosecuted by a silk and junior and co-defended by a silk with whom we were in a 'cut throat' during negotiations.

R v. Danansan [2015] - An allegation of ménage-a-trois rape - bound and blindfolded whilst various acts were performed upon the complainant - complex and sensitive cross-examination. Two-week trial at Salisbury CC - acquitted.

R v. Hassell [2014] - Operation Vanoc - multi-handed scrap metal handling case over 13 separate undercover deployments - 3 weeks Bristol CC - acquitted

R v. Laurie [2014] - serious and permanently disfiguring s.18 OAPA wounding - said originally by Crown to have been caused by an axe which was covered in blood and which had DNA matching the defendant and victim upon the blade - however, after doubt was cast upon that mechanism of the incision through the service of further forensic and pathological expert reports - Defendant eventually acquitted at trial - Winchester CC

R v. JCM [2014] - Led Junior in long running BIS prosecution for breach of a director's disqualification undertaking - client had previous conviction for a VAT fraud, was the subject of a 15 year disqualification for separate conduct in relation to two previous companies, was described as fiscally toxic by the Judge in the way he operated during the breach, and had voluntarily absented himself for his sentence - still received a suspended sentence order without conditions - Chelmsford CC 

R v. GM [2014] - Father accused of videotaping his step daughter while she was in the shower for his own sexual gratification - camcorder placed in bedroom - a red light was flashing - but there was no evidence that a tape was inside since the red light flashed also when the battery was low and the police did not find a tape - sensitive cross examination of a child witness required surrounding a previous unproven complaint of sexual assault - acquitted - Isleworth CC

R v. Antwi [2013] - ‘Operation Longhard' - year + long drugs conspiracy across Hampshire involving 6 defendants and 75 phones prosecuted by two juniors - defendant said to be No.3 in the organization and had the relevant drugs phones on his person on arrest - Winchester CC - Only Defendant to be acquitted by the jury.

R v. Atkinson [2013] - acquitted of an aggravated burglary with the use of a hammer and a knife and convicted of a common assault for which he received a conditional discharge for 12 months - Portsmouth CC

R v. Phull [2013] - robbery - compelling evidence from complainant who identified D as his attacker without any obvious malice - D later admitted presence although not participation and had lied to police about his whereabouts on the night - police breaches of the Code in terms of obtaining and retaining evidence from CCTV, independent witnesses and forensics helped D secure an acquittal after 3 days jury deliberation - Central Criminal Court

R v. H [2012] - alleged conversion of criminal property - case involved two teenage brothers - the importation and distribution of ‘legal highs' and the laundering of hundreds of thousands of pounds of the business' proceeds - Cuba, Spain, Aston Martins, Ferraris, Rolex's and a year on the run - the case attracted considerable local interest - Winchester CC - Acquitted

R v. W [2012] Section 18 trial involving five officers where the wound to the complainant (Police Officer) was at one stage considered life threatening - Blackfriars CC - acquitted on a separate assault on police and acquitted of the s.18 guilty to s.20

R v. Higgs [2012] Dwelling burglary for 3 x 3rd striker caught in recent possession of the burgled items, alongside his Co-D who had pleaded guilty, just 7 days after his release from prison from his last 6 year sentence for burglary - acquitted on his re-trial after a hung jury first time round - Croydon CC.

R v. Z [2012] possession of a false instrument - successful legal argument after the jury were sworn regarding the correct construction of s.3 Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981 forced the Crown to offer no evidence - earlier and separately in the day the Crown had offered no evidence against the Defendant for perverting the course of justice - Southwark CC

R v. Millers [2012] Led junior in 6 week SOCA trial surrounding a multi-million pound cocaine importation; supply and money laundering enterprise - Operation Occasion - Winchester CC

RSPCA v. TM [2011] Complex animal cruelty case involving 3 veterinary experts - third party disclosure from Sky television - Guildford CC - Acquitted of causing unnecessary suffering to the animals - a fine and no disqualification or deprivation orders for the welfare offences.

R v. Hayble [2011] Led junior in a + million pound advance fee fraud - 'Operation Reseal' - St Albans CC - Acquitted

R v. Wynn [2011] Cpl accused of taking part in stamping on a subordinate - Bullford Military Courts Centre - Acquitted

LB Bexley v. Price [2011] Summons for parking infringement successfully stayed as a manipulation of the court's process - Bexley MC

R v. Apinoko [2010 - 11] Led junior for D1 in multi-handed conspiracy to defraud - Forex and share trading - 'Operation Perfume' - St Albans CC - Acquitted after 8 weeks.

Public Access:

Sandhu v Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead [2013] - An appeal against the Council's revocation of a taxi licence - complex issue of law - 7 days - Reading CC

Charles regularly represents high net worth individuals accused of driving related offences.

Charles continues to represent Professional persons embroiled in fare evasion cases.

Reported Cases:

R v. Day [2019] CA reduced the sentence of a prolific drug addict on counts of burglary, thefts and a breach of a suspended sentence order from 21 months to 11 months imprisonment which led to his near immediate release - this case was characterised by a hard fought battle post sentence for reports on the Appellant's mental health, the success of previous community elements of old Orders, and an investigation into the legality of the committal proceedings in the Mags provided the pathway for the CA's interference in this case

R v. B [2018]  CA reduce the sentence of a man convicted of a series of sex acts on a child from 8 years to 6 years. The Court made particular mention at the end of proceedings that 'they were genuinely grateful for the assistance Mr Durrant has provided with his detailed and helpful analysis of each count both orally and in writing'

R v. Smith [2016] CA reduced the sentence of a drug dealer in possession of 8 separate controlled substances from 54 months to 44 months after ‘attractive oral submissions were made with persistence'.

R v. Hall [2016] CA reduced the sentence of man guilty of historic indecent assault from 3 years to 2 and a half years.

R v. Noel [2012] EWCA Crim 956 successfully reducing 4 months immediate imprisonment to a straight community in a 12k benefits overpayment case. Complimented for his 'admirable tenacity' by McCombe J.

R v. A [2011] not yet reported - Successful appeal against conviction for breach of SOPO - Court of Appeal

R v. Gordon [2010] EWCA Crim 2987 - Successfully reducing sentence for affray and criminal damage from 21 months to 15 months - Court of Appeal

R v. Maxsims Milhailsens [2010] EWCA Crim 2545 - Successfully reducing sentence for ABH from 24 weeks to 16 weeks - Court of Appeal - Complimented by the Vice President LJ Hughes for clarity and delivery

R v. Arinze [2010] [2010] EWCA Crim 1638 Successfully reducing 15 months to 9 months - Court of Appeal - Counsel "commended for both his attractive written and oral advocacy" Wyn Williams J

R v. Doyle [2009] EWCA Crim 308 Successfully reducing 8 months immediate custody to 3 months suspended imprisonment for burglary -Court of Appeal


Inner Temple Criminal Bar Association


LLM (Lond.)