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Saul Herman

Saul Herman


Saul is an experienced junior with a focus on financial crime for both defence and prosecution.

He has been instructed by the Serious Fraud Office as junior counsel in proceedings leading to a Deferred Prosecution Agreement and in investigations of individuals. Saul is included on the SFO's current "B" Panel List for Fraud.

On the defence side he has undertaken equally serious cases from a £30 million fraud to allegations of rape, kidnap and conspiracies to supply.

As well as an ability to master paper-heavy cases, Saul is known for his personable manner and commitment to client service.

Those skills are put to good use outside the court room as Saul regularly teaches other advocates through the Inner Temple, and internationally for the Inns of Court College of Advocacy.

Notable Cases:

R v M (Southwark Crown Court) - Junior representing the second defendant in a £30 million pound mortgage fraud case lasting six months.

R v DF (Snaresbrook Crown Court) - Acquittal following trial for two counts of attempted s.18 GBH and one dangerous driving; CCTV showed the defendant's car striking one man and narrowly missing the other but a defence of lack of intent to injure, and necessity as regards the deliberately bad driving, succeeds.

R v SS (Inner London Crown Court) - Finding of unfitness to plead followed by acts and omissions hearing before the jury. Legal argument and jury verdicts succeed in reducing seriousness of several counts.

R v JM (Luton Crown Court) - Acquittal following trial for knifepoint robbery; present, not participating. Succeeded despite admission that stood just 6ft from the robbery.

R v GM (Luton Crown Court) - Acquittal following trial on an allegation of violent robbery in the home. Defence of mistaken identity succeeded despite defendant being named by the complainant.

Sentencing Cases:

R v RK, PK (Gloucester Crown Court) - acted for private clients, garage owners, facing a long running Trading Standards investigation into car clocking. Negotiated pleas minimised exposure to the confiscation regime and lead to suspended sentences allowing the business to continue.

R v EH (Luton Crown Court) - perverting the course of justice, false complaint of knifepoint robbery leading to the wrongful arrest of two women. Suspended sentence imposed.

R v SY (Reading Crown Court) - perverting the course of justice, false complaint of knifepoint robbery leading to wrongful arrest of two women. Suspended sentence imposed.

R v TM (Central Criminal Court) - pleas to possession of an improperly obtained passport accepted lieu of false passport offences initially charged. A custodial sentence was avoided and a 12 month community order with no recommendation for deportation was made.


Inner Temple Justice South Eastern Circuit Criminal Bar Association


BA (hons) (oxon) Philosophy, Politics and Economics PGDL, Leeds Metropolitan University BVC, BPP Law School London LL.M, University College London Advocacy Trainer, Inner Temple