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Adrienne Knight

Adrienne Knight


Adrienne Knight specialises in serious crime against the person and drugs offences. Her practice includes murder, fraud, kidnapping, rape, child abuse and supply and importation of Class A drugs. She is also experienced in other areas of criminal offending and the mental health aspects of crime.

Recent cases include acting as Lead Counsel in multi-handed conspiracy to supply Class A drugs, acting as Lead Counsel in multi-handed conspiracy to rob and numerous serious sexual offence cases.

Member of CBA.

Adrienne Knight is accredited by the Bar Council to provide Public Access Services.

Recent Cases:

R v T & Others - six week conspiracy to supply Class A drugs  

R v R - 4 week manslaughter trial

R v J - 3 week historic sexual assault and rape trial

R v H - 7 day indecency with a child trial

R v C & others - 2 week indecent assaults trial

R v B - Indecency with a child trial

R v J & another - 2 week rape case

Notable Cases

R v Lowe - 'puppy farm shooting' - murder trial at Guildford Crown Court where 80 year-old man shot his partner and her daughter

R v Parkinson - 2 week murder trial at Winchester Crown Court involving defence of woman accused of murdering her husband

R V G - Blackfriars CC - Leading counsel in conspiracy to rape

R v D - Woolwich CC - Multiple Rape of 8 yr old step-daughter

R v B - Winchester CC - Rape of 9yr old by mentally ill 12 yr old brother

R v J - Guildford CC - 4 month importation of class A (Heathrow baggage handlers)

R v M - Winchester CC - Sex with a mentally impaired person

R v O - Winchester CC - Indecent Assault/ Burglary with Intent to Rape 92 year-old woman

R v F - Woolwich CC - Child Cruelty (9month old baby)

R v D - Chelmsford CC. Murder.

Reported Cases

R v W McInerney T.L.R [Dec 02] (Sentencing re: domestic burglars)

R v Hinton 16 Cr.App.R (S) 523 (Sentencing)

R v Ward, Andrews & Broadley [2001] Crim L.R. 316 CA (Hearsay)

R v Manning 1998 Crim L.R. 198 CA


Gray's Inn Criminal Bar Association

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