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Sibby Salter

Sibby Salter


Sibby specialises in criminal law, prosecuting and defending. She has experience across a wide spectrum of serious criminal cases including murder, other violent crimes, high-value thefts and drug related offending. She regularly appears in multi-handed cases and is committed to insuring that defendants understand the trial process and are kept fully informed. When prosecuting she seeks to deal sensitively with witnesses and their families.

In her early years at the bar she taught and lectured under graduates on a part-time basis. She is an advocacy trainer for Middle Temple and also an advocacy teacher for pupils in chambers, as part of her role on Chambers’ Education Committee.

Cases of Interest:

R v A – Led junior defending in a case where the prosecution sought to extend the offence of ‘stalking’ (non-physical assault) to include the mother of the young woman who was allegedly stalked. Defendant acquitted.

R v R – Led defence junior in a murder trial involving complex analysis of diminished responsibility where, in addition to the medical experts, the defendant gave evidence. Defendant acquitted of murder.

R v B – Led junior representing a defendant accused of causing significant injuries to a child, age 6 months, requiring consideration of multiple expert reports and meticulous preparation of issues of law and fact. Defendant acquitted.

R v E – Legal analysis of what is capable of being a public place within the meaning of section 139 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988.


Middle Temple Criminal Bar Association South Eastern Circuit


Law (MA Cantab) Newnham College, Cambridge