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Simon Gledhill

Simon Gledhill


Simon is a leading defence junior in both the Criminal And Extradition Law. He is regularly instructed in cases in the Crown Court, the High Court and the Court of Appeal. His practice sees him frequently, but not exclusively, instructed in cases where there is an allegation of involvement in Organised Crime Groups.

He has significant experience in cases in involving allegations of serious financial offences, drug and firearm offences and conspiracies offences. Simon has expert knowledge of the Proceeds of Crime legislation in relation to both its criminal and civil aspects.

He receives regular instructions in extradition cases acting for requested persons at both first instance hearings and, where required, High Court appeals. He predominant appears in Part 2 cases and has acted against Governments as diverse as USA to Nigeria, Singapore to Paraguay.

He combines a passion for advocacy with an expert working knowledge of the law to ensure the highest standards of representation throughout all cases in which he receives instructions.

His attention to detailed analysis ensures that all elements of a client's case are comprehensively explored and prepared. His calm demeanour, sound judgment and clear advice inspire trust in both Professional and Lay clients.

Simon's cases frequently involve the instruction and active participation of expert witnesses and cross examination of the same.

Simon has received instructions in a number of cases with strong media interest including representing Mark Wright (The Only Way is Essex) in a public order trial at Redbridge Magistrates Court; Tulisa Contostavlos (The X Factor) in an appeal against conviction and sentence at Snaresbrook Crown Court and Nadine Samuels (Pop star) in her case of causing death by careless driving at St Albans Crown Court.

Simon is accredited by the Bar Council to provide Public Access services.

Simon is an accredited advocacy trainer for the Middle Temple and Chair of Chambers Pupillage Committee and runs Chambers in house training programme for pupils. Simon has also written articles published in the Barrister and New Law Journal and regularly gives lectures on both Criminal and Extradition Law topics.

Notable Cases:

There follows a brief list of examples of criminal cases Simon has been recently instructed in (acting as junior alone unless indicated):

Financial crime:

Operation Vouch - appeared at trial in a conspiracy to launder the proceeds of a multi-million pound Boiler Room fraud

Operation Purple Matar - appeared at trial in a high value conspiracy to defraud a series of solicitors firms through allegedly fraudulent personal injury claims. Follow collapse of a trial after 2 months the case was stayed as an abuse of the courts process (led junior)

Operation Forego - appeared at trial a multi count conspiracy to launder the proceeds of crime and fraud offences with a value in excess of £1 million (led junior)

Operation Satawan - appeared at trial in a multi handed conspiracy to launder the proceeds of crime and following the targeted burglaries of safes from bookmakers premises around London (led junior)

Operation Vittoria - represented the Defendant in a multi-handed nationwide conspiracy to steal from parking meters with a alleged value of hundreds of thousands of pounds

R v B - appeared at successful application to dismiss in relation to a large scale online multi-jurisdiction banking fraud


Operation Warship - represented a Defendant in a 13 handed ‘county lines' conspiracy to supply class A drugs to Kent

Operation Hansomil - appeared at trial for a defendant indicted in a large scale conspiracy to supply class A drugs in Wilshire (leading junior)

Operation Averoya - appeared at trial for a Defendant on a multi-handed conspiracy to import large quantities of cocaine into the UK

Operation Piranda - represented a Defendant arrested as part of a large scale police operation targeted ‘drugs gangs' operating in north London

Operation Grissino - represented a Defendant indicted following a test purchase class A drugs operation targeting alleged gang members in North London

R v W - appeared at trial in relation to supply of multiple kilograms of cocaine and money laundering offences


R v A - appeared at trial for a Defendant charged with arson with intent to endanger life

R v HR and others - appeared at trial for the first Defendant in a multi-handed allegation of attempted murder

Operation Glassford - appeared at trial for an alleged revenge attack involving a multi handed assault on the Complainant using machetes resulting in grievous bodily harm injuries

Operation Plougastel - appeared at a trial in a kidnap, torture (section 18) and blackmail trial

R v E - appeared at trial was an allegation of causing GBH with intent of one patient at Broadmoor on another by allegedly throwing boiling water over his head

R v H and others - appeared at trial for a kidnapping conspiracy involving the alleged false imprisonment and torture of the Complainant

R v T - appeared at trial of a husband accused of wounding with intent by way of carving off his wife's buttock

R v H - appeared at trial in relation to an allegation of multiple violent rapes by H against his pregnant partner

R v M - appeared at trial in relation to series of armed robberies of Chicken shops in North London

R v L and B - appeared at trial of a 'people smuggling' allegation

R v G - appeared at trial in a rape of a professional escort

R v J and J - appeared at trial for a blackmail where the allegation was entrapment and blackmail of a convicted paedophile

R v FC, D, RD and MB - appeared at trial for RD on a multi-handed indictment alleging perverting the course of justice relating to the destruction of evidence following a gang murder

R v L - appeared at trial for alleged historical sexual assaults by father on his daughter

R v A, B, M - appeared at trial multi-handed sophisticated armed robbery of a bookmakers involving an ‘inside man' allegation Quinn Insurance v Altintas and another - represented the second Respondent in High Court contempt proceedings arising out of County Court litigation

Reported Appeal Cases:


Roach v Singapore [2020] EWHC 229 (Admin) | [2020] 2 WLUK 75 [2020] A.C.D 41

Poland v Gumieniczcek [2020] EWHC 249 (Admin)

Romania v Oprean [2018] EWHC 959 (Admin); [2018] 4 WLUK 12;

Sesinova v Czech Republic [2017] EWHC 2755 (Admin); [2017] 11 WLUK 116

Serra v Paraguay [2017] EWHC 2300 (Admin); [2017] 9 WLUK 242; [2017] Lloyd's Rep. F.C. 537; [2017] A.C.D. 122

Fox v Belgium [2016] EWHC 3657 (Admin); [2016] 12 WLUK 540

Cato and others v Republic of Peru [2016] EWHC 914; [2016] All ER (D) 182

Socha v Czech Republic [2016] EWHC 139 (Admin); [2016] All ER (D) 18

Zakrewski v Poland [2015] EWHC 3393 (Admin); [2016] 4 WLR 23

Kotic v Poland [2015] EWHC 2907 (Admin)

Blaj and others v Romania [2015] EWHC 1710 (Admin)

Piotrowicz v Poland [2014] EWHC 388 (Admin)


R v Smith and others [2020] EWCA Crim 994

R v Ramsey [2019] EWHC 87

R v Zhekov [2013] EWCA Crim 1656, [2014] 1 Cr.App.R.(S.) 69

R v Abdul Hussain [2013] EWCA Crim 1212

R v Gregory [2013] EWCA Crim 1047

R (on the application of K) v West London Magistrates Court [2012] EWHC 3864 (Admin)

DPP v Bholah [2011] UKPC 44; [2012] 1 WLR 1737; [2012] Lloyd's Rep FC 406

R v Shah [2011] EWCA Crim 2333; [2012] MHLR 92

R v Dale [2011] EWCA Crim 1675

R v Spriddell [2010] EWCA Crim 583

R v Williams [2009] EWCA Crim 6

Re Thomas Boyd Whyte Solicitors [2007] EWCA Crim 2740


Middle Temple Criminal Bar Association South Eastern Circuit Extradition Lawyers Association


LLB Law (First Class Honours) - Lancaster University BVC (Outstanding) - Northumbria University Benefactors' Scholar (Middle Temple) Approved advocacy trainer for the Middle Temple