Region Area


Katy Appleton

Work Department

Crime Department


Call: 2000

Professional Memberships:

Lincolns Inn Northern Circuit Criminal Bar Association

Practice Areas Crime

Katy has experience in cases involving serious organised crime, including murder, firearms and drugs. Katy is skilled in the preparation and presentation of complex criminal trials.

All areas of Criminal Law including:

¥ Murder & Manslaughter ¥ Firearms ¥ Drugs ¥ Rape and Serious Sexual Offences ¥ Violence and Public Disorder ¥ Fatal Road Traffic Collisions ¥ Fraud ¥ Confiscation

Areas of Practice

Katy studied at Merchant Taylors Girls School before reading Law. Katy was called to the Bar by Lincolns Inn in 2000. Katy specialises in crime with more than 17 years’ experience. Katy both prosecutes and defends. Before returning to the Northern Circuit, Katy predominantly practised at the Central Criminal Court.

Hobbies and Interests:

Royal Yachting Association Ð International Certificate of Competence.

Certified PADI diver.

Notable Cases Serious Organised Crime

R v T & O – Murder of a gang leader, arising from the ongoing feud between two rival Organised Crime Networks, The Hackney Turks and The Tottenham Turks.

R v G & O Ð Contract killing. Britains youngest hit-man convicted, following the acquittal of the estranged husband of the victim.

R v K & J – Gang land murder following a fight in Footlocker Store, Oxford Street, London.

R v L & O – Murder of a gang member, arising from the ongoing feud between The Hackney Turks and The Tottenham Turks.

R v B – Attempted Murder following a drugs feud. The victim was stabbed through the eye socket with a screwdriver, sustaining a brain injury, which left him permanently disabled.

R v N & G Ð Murder of a gang member. The defendants were extradited from Jamaica.

Serious Crime

R v W & O Ð Assisting an offender in the murder of Police Constable Phillips.

R v V D & G Ð Murder. V D had a previous conviction for manslaughter and suffered from severe mental health issues. She admitted stabbing the victim to put him out of his misery, following an assault by Gentry. Defence of Diminished Responsibility.

R v W Ð Murder. The victim was stabbed by the 15 year old defendant, after he had confronted youths for throwing conkers.

R v N Ð Murder. A prolonged and sustained hammer attack on the defendants disabled wife. Defence of Diminished Responsibility.

R v G & O Ð Murder. Injuries sustained to the victim included in excess of twenty stab wounds and eight hammer blows to the head. R v C & O Ð Murder. Injuries sustained to the victim included in excess of eighteen stab wounds and five hammer blows to the head.

R v B & O Ð Murder. Stabbing. Revenge attack on a group of Albanian males.

R v S & P – s18 GBH. An unprovoked assault, resulting in life threatening injuries.

R v N Ð s18 GBH. Stabbing. The victim sustained life threatening injuries. The case was stayed on application by the defence.

R v O Ð s18 GBH. The victim was left blinded by the attack.

R v N Ð Arson.

R v S Ð s18 GBH. A father lost control, whilst caring for his new born baby, causing catastrophic injuries.

R v C & O Ð Violent Disorder. The worst disorder inside a football stadium in Manchester for 18 years. Violence at a Europa League match between Manchester United fans and Liverpool FC fans.

R v D & O Ð Firearms and Supply of Class A drugs.

Drugs Offences

R v H & O Ð Conspiracy to import & supply Class A drugs into the United Kingdom.

R v S & O Ð Assisting in the supply of Class A drugs, supplying over 3,280kg APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients).

R v E & O – Conspiracy to steal Class B drugs and Conspiracy to commit Misconduct in Public Office. A serving police officer provided information to others, to enable them to break into cannabis factories.

R v A & O – Conspiracy to import and supply Class A drugs into the United Kingdom.

R v H & O – Conspiracy to supply Class A & Class B drugs across Merseyside.

R v C & O Ð The use of a drone to convey Class A drugs into prison.

R v L Ð Possession with intent to supply a psychoactive substance, nitrous oxide.

Fraud and Theft Offences

R v A & O – VAT Fraud. The London City Bond Fraud.

R v T Ð VAT Fraud.

R v K Ð Fraud and Theft from employer.

R v V Ð Benefit Fraud.

R v C Ð Fraud. Busker who purported to collect money on behalf of Hillsborough victims and the charity Help the Heroes.

R v D Ð Robbery. A spree of robberies committed by the defendant, who suffered from severe mental health issues.

R v P Ð Preventing a Lawful Burial and Benefit Fraud.

Rape and Serious Sexual Offences

R v G – Rape and serious sexual offences of a 12 year old relative.

R v A Ð Sexual assaults of a child.

R v H Ð Rape and sexual offences of step daughter and her friend. The case was stayed on application by the defence.

R v H Ð Rape and sexual offences, involving hypnotising a schoolboy.

R v S Ð Rape of a 4 year old family friend.

R v D Ð Downloading pornographic images.

R v P – Sexual offences of niece and step nieces.

R v C Ð Grooming of an under-age girl for sexual intercourse. Snared by the group Hunters for Justice.
