Region Area


Isabella Denn-White

Work Department

Crime & Family


Criminal Bar Association Family Law Bar Association Northern Circuit Middle Temple


Areas of Practice

Miss Denn-White was called to the Bar by the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple in July 2021.

Miss Denn-White joined chambers in September 2022 after successfully completing a common law pupillage under the supervision of Miss Sarah Holt.


Miss Denn-White is currently a Level 2 CPS panel advocate and frequently acts for both prosecution and defence in the Crown and Magistrates’ courts.


Public law

Miss Denn-White has acted for the local authority and parents in a variety of public law family matters including interim removal hearings and final hearings and is experienced in drafting the associated written work.

Private law

Miss Denn-White has represented parents in private law proceedings in applications concerning child arrangement orders, prohibited steps orders and non molestation orders.


BPP University Law School (2020-2021) �� Barrister Training Course: Very Competent. BPP University Law School (2020-2021) – Master of Laws (LLM) in Legal Practice: Merit. Newcastle University (2017-2020) – Law (LLB): Upper second class honours.