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Sarah Lucy Cooper

Sarah Lucy Cooper


Domestic Practice:

Sarah practises exclusively in family law dealing with both children and financial disputes. She has an expertise in international family cases and is a fluent Spanish speaker able to conduct conferences and mediations in Spanish.

Sarah has extensive experience of dealing with jurisdictional disputes whether under forum conveniens, international instruments or otherwise.

In relation to financial disputes, Sarah is experienced in conducting financial remedy applications, many involving various types of overseas assets including property, trusts and shareholdings as well as the consideration of bilateral tax accords and dowry proceedings. Sarah has a particular expertise in the consideration of overseas matrimonial regimes. In addition, Sarah has successfully brought various applications for financial relief after an overseas divorce pursuant to Part III MFPA 1984.

In relation to children, Sarah regularly conducts child abduction cases under Hague 1980 and 1996 conventions as well as the inherent jurisdiction. She also represents parents in leave to remove applications. She has lengthy experience conducting all types of proceedings under the Children Act 1989 both in relation to private and public law matters.

Sarah has an in depth knowledge of the procedural implications of international family cases, including service, obtaining evidence from overseas, instruction of overseas experts, freezing orders and disclosure.

Sarah’s acknowledged expertise on international family law issues has resulted in her being asked to speak at various domestic and international conferences including for Resolution, the Bar Council, MBL seminars, the College of Law, the British Spanish Law Association and AIJUDEFA.

International Experience

Experience in providing expert evidence to Spanish family courts.

Listed on the panels of recommended lawyers held by the Spanish and Mexican Consulates in London.

Reported Cases:

• L v M [2012] EWHC 4299 – Pakistan stranded spouse – jurisdictional dispute in relation to children

• R v C &S [2013] EWHC 1295 – Colombia child relocation

• Re ML [2013] EWHC 2091 – use of Skype technology in international family cases

• C v D [2013] EWHC 2989 – Spain child abduction

• Ahmed v Mustafa [2014] EWCA Civ 277 – Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Anti-suit injunction post judgment on financial claims in this jurisdiction

• Re C (Abduction Article 13b) [2018] EWCA Civ 2834

• P (A Child) (Abduction: Inherent Jurisdiction) [2021] EWCA Civ 1171 (28 July 2021)


• International Academy of Family Lawyers • Resolution International Committee • British Spanish Law Association [founding member] • AIJUDEFA - la Asociación Internacional de Juristas de Derecho de Familia • Family Law Bar Association • Reviewer for Advocate [pro bono legal services]


International Family Law (Sepin)

• Chapter on United Kingdom in practitioner text on Family Law in international jurisdictions.

International Family Law Journal (Jordans)

• Applicable Law in Spain – [2011] IFL 332

• The Undertakers’ dilemma, enforcing undertakings in Spain – [2014] IFL 56

Family Law Week

• Are You Being Served? Rules On International Service in Family Cases

• Modern Family – an overview of family law in Colombia

• Singapore Sling

• Ancillary Relief cases with a foreign twist – practical considerations [2007]

• Divorcio Expres - Spanish Family Law [2008]

• Alice through the Looking Glass – Mirror orders in Colombia [2009]

• Pleading the Fifth Amendment - privilege against self-incrimination in financial proceedings [2010]. This article was cited by Sir James Munby in the case of Q v Q [2014] EWFC 31.

• Please sir may I have some more – permanent post judgment stays in financial remedy proceedings [2014]

• Stop in the Name of Love! The New EU Regulation 606/2013 on Protection Measures - Family Law Week [2015]

• An inconvenient truth - The danger of using undertakings in international cases - Family Law Week [2016]

The Review (Resolution's magazine)

• Spanish family law – an overview of matrimonial regimes [2012]

Asociacion Espanola de Abogados de Familia (Magazine)

• Exprimando la naranja dos veces – an explanation of Part III of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 for Spanish lawyers [2010]

• Ser o no ser – la inexistencia de regimenes matrimoniales en Inglaterra – an explanation of the inexistence of matrimonial regimes in England [2013]


London Bar

Family: divorce and financial remedy

Leading junior4
Sarah Lucy Cooper – Thomas More Chambers ‘Sarah is a straight talker and is not afraid to tell the clients the strengths and weaknesses of their cases but, at the same time, is gifted in putting clients at ease and making complex issues easy to digest. She is a tireless and fierce advocate.‘