Westgate Chambers

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Ayisha Robertson

Westgate Chambers, South East

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Ayisha is a dedicated family lawyer who has a background in crime.

She has an approachable manner and builds collaborative relationships with her clients offering thoughtful advice and guidance throughout the litigation process. Her background in education and MSc in Psychodynamics means her practice lends itself to work with children and vulnerable clients and regularly represents clients with suicidal ideation, learning difficulties and recognised psychiatric disorders.

Public LawAyisha passionately represents parents and children, via their guardians, through the spectrum of hearings from EPOs and contested ICOs to final hearings. She too has dealt with DOLs and non-disclosure applications in the High Court. She is trusted by her client’s and isn’t afraid of giving firm advice when required.

Her notable cases include the representation of a father in a six day fact find and six day final hearing which included the cross examination of a child witness. Such was her success at the fact finding hearing that the Local Authority changed its care plan at IRH to one of rehabilitation of the children to her client’s care.

Ayisha was recently instructed to attend the High Court on behalf of a father, serving a lengthy prison term for serious sexual assault against his daughter and the rape of his wife, to oppose the Local Authority’s application to remove his party status. Flowing from Ayisha’s submissions his party status was merely suspended.

Private LawIn private law Ayisha has successfully negotiated settlements in cases where parties had adopted entrenched positions. She regularly appears in fact finding and enforcement hearings, appeals, non-molestation and occupation orders.

Notably Ayisha recently appeared in the Central Family Court representing a father facing serious allegations of rape and domestic violence. Added to this was an international and cultural element. There was an allegation that the father’s conduct exposed the mother to a risk of honour based violence. Further, the father was a Palestinian refugee who had lived in Lebanon and despite currently being a UK national continued to have links to Lebanon. It was alleged by the mother that the father was seeking to remove his daughter permanently from the jurisdiction without the her consent and possibly by force. At PTR Ayisha reduced the original Scott Schedule of six allegations down to three and following the contested fact finding hearing no findings were made against her client. A CIC was ordered at the end of the fact finding hearing to reintroduce the father to his daughter after having been prevented from having contact with his daughter for nearly four years. 


CPS Advocate Panel Member 2016-20 - Level 1 General Crime BPTC 2016 – University of Law – Very Competent GDL 2014 – University of law - Commendation LLB – 2016 – University of law – 2:1 MSc Psychodynamics of Human Development – University of London – Merit 2014 Diplock Scholarship - Middle Temple 2013 Diplock Scholarship - Middle Temple