Westgate Chambers

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Nicholas Hall

Westgate Chambers, South East

Work Department



Vastly experienced advocate who has prosecuted the most serious crimes including homicide, sexual offences and complex fraud. Is frequently instructed to prosecute cases in which difficult and sensitive PII issues arise. His considerable previous experience as a family practitioner puts him in demand where young, abused and vulnerable witnesses are involved. He relishes the opportunity to be involved in out-of-the-ordinary cases, such as a recent trial involving the importation of endangered species contrary to European Union legislation.


Formerly Principal Magistrate, Solomon Islands. Grade 4 Prosecutor; London, South East and Western. Rape approved. Pupil Supervisor.

Notable cases:

R v T, a rape trial which subsequently proceeded to the Court of Appeal, the ground of the appeal being the admission of bad character evidence given by two previous rape victims who had not originally complained to the police. R v. R, involved the making and distribution of indecent images of children in a 13-count indictment, and included intricate expert evidence of the contents of the defendant’s computer and of his alleged use of file-sharing programs. R v. A & ors., leading counsel in a high-profile allegation of managing a “cannabis café”, and associated money laundering, with five defendants. R v. D, systematic theft and false accounting by an employee over a long period requiring a 34-count indictment. R v S, an unusual and high-profile trial in which the original conviction was overturned by the Court of Appeal eight years later after the principal witness, a magistrate, was found to have committed perjury. R v K & D, an unusual murder trial in which the alleged murderer was tried in a joined trial with the deceased’s son charged with violent disorder arising from the same incident. This trial required considerable sensitivity in witness handling.  


South Eastern Circuit Western Circuit Criminal Bar Association Solomon Islands Bar Midland Circuit


Called 1973 A. (Oxon) CPS Grade 4 Advocate Vulnerable Witness Trained