Westgate Chambers

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Philip Meredith

Westgate Chambers, South East

Work Department



Philip practices in all aspects of criminal law, with particular experience in homicide, offences against the person and sexual cases.

Notable cases:

R -v- Chakravaty - Secured convictions as prosecution counsel on rape case (teacher on student) – trial at Hove Crown Court. Argus News Article R -v- Harris (Frances/Francis)- secured convictions as a prosecution Leading Junior against the so-called ‘Transgender Fraudster’ and 2 others for Fraud & Money Laundering after a 4-week trial. R -v- Fradgley – Secured conviction of man who drugged wife and daughter for sexual purposes and then perverted course of justice. Covered in The Portsmouth News. R -v- Parbat – Secured conviction of man who crashed his car while engaged in a sex act, killing his girlfriend- covered in national newspapers& BBC R -v- Packer – Secured conviction of man in possession of extreme pornography & indecent child images who alleged all had been planted by a well-known local ex-MP. Covered extensively in The Portsmouth News R -v- John Shutt (leading junior) – 4 month multi handed drug importation conspiracy trial in the Central Criminal Court. House of Lords Interim Appeal. R -v- Keith Rayment (leading junior) – 2 month multi handed Gatwick Securicor Heist trial at Southwark Crown Court. R -v- Paula Staines (led by Silk) – Murder of boyfriend with aggravating features of super glued orifices and burned with hot iron at Lewes Crown Court. Defendant remanded to Broadmoor. R -v- Paul Casella (junior alone) – 4 month multi handed drug conspiracy trial with 4 silks instructed at Lewes Crown Court. R -v- Azaim Shaik (junior alone) – 3 month multi handed conspiracy to defraud trial at Croydon Crown Court. R -v- Ronnie Rothenburg (junior alone) – Multi handed conspiracy to import and supply class A trial at Southampton Crown Court. R -v- Raymond Chan (leading junior) – Serial rapist (bad character re earlier acquittals used) trial at Lewes Crown Court. R -v- Oliver McNulty (leading junior) – Multi Handed Murder trial at Lewes Crown Court. R -v- Jeffrey Healey (leading junior) – Murder (knife as weapon) trial at Lewes Crown Court. R -v- Lenny Cable (leading junior) – Murder (involving abduction and strangulation) trial at Lewes Crown Court. R -v- Damien Few (leading junior) – Murder (by arson) trial at Lewes Crown Court. R -v- Carl Williams (leading junior) – Attempt Murder (cut to throat) trial at Lewes Crown Court. R -v- Carl Young (leading junior) – Manslaughter (with one punch) trial at Lewes Crown Court R -v- Delier Amin (junior alone) – Multi handed attempt murder trial at Lewes Crown Court. R -v- Ian Punyer (leading junior) – Attempt Murder (appalling injuries, insanity pleaded) trial at Lewes Crown Court. R -v- Alvaro Serrano (led by silk) – Murder (of child) trial at Lewes Crown Court. R -v- Tariq Darwish (led by silk) – Murder trial at Lewes Crown Court. R -v- Rattigan & Wyatt (led by silk) – Murder trial at Lewes Crown Court.


Sussex Bar Mess South Eastern Circuit


Called 1979 BA (Hons) in Law (Dunelm) Grade 4 Prosecutor; South East.