Westgate Chambers

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Fiona Rowling

Westgate Chambers, South East

Work Department



Fiona Rowling has been practising at the criminal bar for thirty years. During this time she has represented clients charged with offences throughout the criminal calendar. 


She has been instructed on too many rape cases to mention specifics, but has cross-examined witnesses as young as five. Successful submissions made when representing client charged with sexually assaulting young girls following client being examined for capacity. Virtually every argument from abuse to prejudice has been run over the years in sex cases.


On cases of murder/manslaughter Fiona also has vast experience. Whether it be running diminished or did not do it. R –v- F was most notable in that the defendant was an obsessive watcher of pornography and acted out an internet fantasy on a women he vaguely knew. Voluminous arguments regarding admissibility.

  Notable cases:

R –v- X Represented one of five defendants at the Central Criminal Court. Co-defending with three Queens Counsel and prosecuted by Treasury Counsel. The defence was cut-throat and the case concerned a massive brawl at a party. Co-defendants ran over two girls in a van. Their defence was duress of circumstances and we were charged with violent disorder. Client acquitted. R –v- XX Instructed in a bribery/corruption case at Northampton Crown Court. Co-defending with Queens Counsel. It was alleged that the defendants were selling off aviation fuel. This was a two month trial and client acquitted. R –v- D Instructed as leading counsel. Large scale conspiracy to handle stolen vehicles at Snaresbrook Crown Court. The case was prosecuted by Queens Counsel with two trials lasting six months in total. R –v- L Represented defendant at Lewes Crown Court charged with historical rape. Following an initial conviction an appeal was lodged with the COA – grounds based on Judges bias in summing up. A re-trial was ordered and defendant was acquitted of all charges. R –v- B Represented defendant charged with three others at Birmingham Crown Court. Co-defending with Queens Counsel. The case was quite unique in that counsel was running duress on a conspiracy to steal. Client was the ‘insider’ and manager of a bank. Acquitted.


South Eastern Circuit Criminal Bar Association Called 1980


LLB, London Masters with a Merit in Criminal Law & Justice Vulnerable Witness Trained