Westgate Chambers

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Sarah Taite

Westgate Chambers, South East

Work Department

Crime, Family


With a qualification and background in Mental Health nursing prior to being called to the Bar, Sarah is adept at sensitively handling people, including those with mental heath, social or communication difficulties. She is extremely approachable with a particular skill in dealing with vulnerable clients and their families and gives advice, representation and guidance throughout all stages of the court proceedings.

Sarah has a mixed practice, which includes crime and Children Act work. 

She regularly appears in the criminal court predominately representing Defendants. She also represents probation, the child support agency, the environment agency and HMRC.

In the family court Sarah regularly represents parents, Grandparents, other relatives and Guardians (children) in all aspects of applications including Care and Supervision orders, Adoption, Special Guardianship and Family Assistance Orders.

Sarah accepts work under the Direct Access Scheme. She is regularly instructed to give written advice. 

Notable cases:


Current Cases 

R v CE – death by Careless Driving  R v SN – child cruelty (suspected NAI of very young baby with multiple fractures)  R v BG – s18 GBH  R v JE – affray 

Concluded Cases

R v ES – Led junior counsel –defendant charged with murder of her father; successfully argued and found not guilty by reason of Insanity R v MS – Leading counsel - represented youth who alongside multiple adult defendants, was charged with multiple counts of rape and grooming. The Crown were forced to offer no evidence after 6 weeks of evidence at trial. R v RS – represented defendant charged with rape and multiple counts of sexual offences. Not guilty verdicts R v VP – successfully represented youth in appeal of rape R v PS – successfully represented defendant on one charge of rape R v JC – successfully represented defendant charged with child cruelty R v DS – successfully represented defendant charged with multiple counts of indecent images.  Following legal arguments the Crown offered no evidence. R v ES – represented defendant charged with two counts of rape against minors.   R v TS – successfully represented defendant charged with historical rape R v LR – successfully represented defendant charged with sexual assault of female stranger at a train station  R v DP – successfully represented defendant charged with controlling and coercive behaviour and witness intimidation against his wife R v GO – represented defendant charged with possession with intent to supply class A drugs R v LP – successfully represented defendant charged with Arson with intent to endanger life and arson reckless as to life endangerment.


Recent and Current cases

Successfully argued final hearing to be re-heard resulting in the Care Order being discharged and the child returning home  Application to dismiss Care Orders  Final hearing after findings made of NAI of baby with serious injuries including fractured skull and multiple bone fractures  Suspected NAI of baby with fractured skull 

In family law Sarah has represented clients with issues including:

Contested Final hearings Complex Fact-Finding hearings All aspects of public law proceedings includings ICO/ISO/EPO applications Suspected Non-Accidental Injury Sexual/Physical abuse Chronic Neglect Allegations of concern of Honor-based violence Cases involving the Official Solicitor/SGO/Grandparents


Called 2008 South Eastern Circuit Sussex Bar Mess


BA (Hons) first class BVC (very competent) DipHE (mental health) Vulnerable Witness Trained
