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James Goodwin

James Goodwin


James has a diverse commercial chancery practice. He regularly appears in the High Court and the County Court, both in his own right and as a junior. Particular specialisms include trusts, pensions, property and commercial litigation. James is also often instructed in professional negligence cases, especially where such matters intersect with the above practice areas. James has a particular interest in offshore trust work, and has spent a significant period of time on secondment to a leading law firm in the Channel Islands, acting principally in relation to high value trust litigation.


Called 2013; Gray’s Inn; previously supervisor in contract law at several colleges in University of Cambridge.


Chancery Bar Association; APL associate membership.

Publications of note: ‘AIB v Redler’ (2014) Wilberforce Legal Digest (Issue 1) March 2015; ‘Where there’s a will there’s a way: Marley v Rawlings’ (2015 Modern Law Review 140-150); ‘Purpose Trusts: Doctrine and Policy’ (2013 King’s Law Journal 102-110); ‘Reflexive Effect and the Brussels I Regulation’ (2013 Law Quarterly Review (317-320); ‘A Remotely Interesting Case’ (2013 Law Quarterly Review 485-488); ‘Failure of Basis in the Contractual Context’ (2013 Restitution Law Review 24-45); ‘Secret Profits, Opportunities, and Constructive Trusts’ (2013 Restitution Law Review 85-92); ‘The Last Defence of Wednesbury’ (2012 Public Law 445-467); ‘Contract, Unjust Enrichment, and Risk’ (2012 Law Quarterly Review 503-507).


University of Cambridge, Gonville & Caius College (2011 MA Cantab; 2012 LLM Cantab).


London Bar

Fraud: civil

James Goodwin  – Wilberforce Chambers ‘James is extremely hardworking and diligent. His written advocacy in particular is second to none, and it is a pleasure to instruct him on complex commercial litigation cases. especially those involving elements of civil fraud.’
London Bar

Private client: trusts and probate

James Goodwin – Wilberforce Chambers ‘James has an outstanding intellect and a complete mastery of his brief. He instils confidence in all who work with him. He is a simply magnificent lawyer.’