Dere Street Barristers

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Pauline Moulder

Pauline Moulder


Pauline is recommended by Chambers UK as a leading senior junior in children work, and this year she is also quoted in Legal 500 as ‘extremely competent’. Although she accepts instructions in all aspects of children work (as well as Court of Protection work, forced marriage and honour based violence and divorce), her specialisation is in public law, particularly the more complex cases. She has a depth of experience and knowledge in those cases which involve, eg, an infant death in the family, difficult and conflicting medical evidence, induced/fabricated illness and children with complex needs. Renowned for her ability to master her brief and to think quickly and imaginatively, Pauline is a skilled communicator who gives sensible and pragmatic advice. Her advocacy skills are best summed up by a senior circuit judge who described Pauline’s cross examination is a complex public law matter as ‘the best cross examination I have ever heard in a family case’. Her written documents are excellent. Pauline has a wide-ranging practice, acting for local authorities, parents and family members, children, children’s guardians and the Official Solicitor. She is regularly instructed to provide written and oral advice to local authorities and other parties in complex care matters and to advise private clients in residence and contact matters. While Pauline’s practice predominantly focuses on cases in the High Court and the county court, she accepts instructions for matters in the FPC. Significant Cases undertaken in 2012: case involving historic fabricated and induced illness and poisoning. High Court. 20 days. Separate fact finding and welfare hearings. Acted for local authority. The mother, against whom the historic allegations were made – and denied – was represented by leading counsel (Mr William Lowe QC) and junior Counsel. [LA v L/B]. Case involving inter-familial and generational sexual abuse (as well as physical and emotional abuse and neglect). High Court. 15 days. Acted for local authority. Four respondents (excluding children) and four interveners. [LA v C/J]. Case involving infant death. Acted for the father. High Court. 15 days. Led by Ms Janet Bazley QC. Complex medical evidence from nine experts. [LA v H/C]. Case involving infant death where child had a genetic disorder which, it was alleged, caused/contributed to the death. Acted for the mother. High Court. 20 days. Extremely complicated medical evidence from eight experts. Led by Ms Janet Bazley QC. [LA v P]. Case involving allegations of inflicted injury where child had pre-existing condition to the area of inflicted injury. High Court. 20 days. Conflicting medical evidence re-causation and timing of injuries. Acting for two of possible five perpetrators. [LA v D]. Case involving baby with ‘marks’ to body. Acting for mother. High Court. 20 days. Conflicting medical evidence, bruising/rare blood condition. Following findings of inflicted injury, father made admissions to mother and his position set out in writing to the court. Father then refused to take any further part in the proceedings. Application to set aside findings so far as they affected mother as a perpetrator as in respect of failure to protect. Complex as mother had been untruthful in several material aspects in her oral evidence. [LA v S]. Presently acting for the local authority as senior junior leading a junior in a matter where the mother and the father are each represented by a silk and a junior. Very complex history of allegations, sexualised behaviour by children, disclosures and allegations that children have been ‘coached’ by word and actions. [LA v S].


Newcastle upon Tyne (LLB (Hons)).
