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Nigel Cholerton

Nigel Cholerton


Areas of practice include: Family: Finance ( Divorce & Separation, Cohabitation including Trusts of Land & Appointment of Trustees Act 1996, Inheritance Act claims Trusts and Trustees)  Family: Care & Children (Public Law / Care and Adoption Proceedings, (International) child abduction Private law children: Contact and Residence, Domestic violence & injunctions)


Nigel first qualified as a solicitor in 2004. Thereafter he gained Higher Rights of Audience in 2005 and was then called to the Bar in 2007 (Lincolns Inn). Nigel joined No18 Chambers in 2011 and is considered as a senior member in Chambers.

Nigel enjoys a busy practice in all matters concerning Family law including Matrimonial finance, public proceedings and private proceedings. In public proceedings Nigel regularly deals with complex multi-day hearings involving Non-accidental injuries where he appears on both behalf of Local Authorities, parents and Guardians at all levels. Nigel has become known for his robust approach to cases and his attention to detail.

Nigel also has a busy practice in both Matrimonial finance and cohabitation settlements involving the application of TOLATA. He regularly provides advice on settlements and regularly attends for FDR and final hearings. Some of his recent cases have involved complex finances involving multiple properties and also enforcement of declarations of trusts. Nigel also advises on interim remedies and Barder appeals.

Nigel is licensed to accept direct access instructions.


Western Circuit


Derby University (BA (Hons) Nottingham Trent University PGDL Nottingham Trent University LPC


Western Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading junior2
Nigel Cholerton – No.18 Barristers Chambers ‘Nigel is a determined, effective advocate. He is always thoroughly well-prepared.’
Western Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: divorce and financial remedy

Leading junior3
Nigel Cholerton -No.18 Barristers Chambers 'Nigel is a determined, effective advocate. His style allows for a firm stance where necessary, with an emotional and practical approach required in family proceedings.'