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Chris de Beneducci

Chris de Beneducci


Chris’ practice covers disputes relating to:

Property/real estate law (including landlord and tenant); Private client law (spanning trusts, wills, and intestacy); Insolvency law (both corporate and personal); and Commercial law.

Chris also deals with professional negligence claims arising in these fields, with conveyancing negligence being a speciality.

In addition to providing drafting and advisory services, Chris frequently appears as sole counsel in the Chancery Division, the Commercial Court, the Insolvency and Companies Court, and the County Court.

Notably, Chris has also acted as junior counsel for the successful parties in two of the most important property law appeals in recent years: Bank of New York Mellon (International) Ltd v. Cine-UK Ltd [2022] EWCA Civ 1021 (concerning liability for coronavirus-related rent arrears); and P&P Property Ltd v. Owen White & Catlin LLP [2018] EWCA Civ 1082 (concerning liability for the sale of property by impostors posing as the owners, a surprisingly common fraud).

Chris was appointed to the Attorney General’s C Panel of Junior Counsel to the Crown for a five-year term from September 2021.  In Hilary Term 2020, Chris was a Judicial Assistant in the Chancery Division, where he was assigned primarily to Mr Justice Trower and Mr (now Lord) Justice Nugee.  The previous year, he was seconded to the disputes team at Carey Olsen Bermuda as a Pegasus Scholar.


Chancery Bar Association, Property Bar Association.


Magdalen College, University of Oxford: BA (Hons) Classics (1st).

Kaplan Law School: Graduate Diploma in Law (Commendation).

University of Law: Bar Professional Training Course (Very Competent).


London Bar

Private wealth and probate

Leading junior4
Chris de Beneducci – Selborne Chambers ‘Chris is very good at assimilating a large amount of information and documentation and distilling this down to salient points in pleadings and statements. He is also persuasive and articulate in advocacy.’