fivehundred magazine > Disputes Yearbook 2024 > Q&A: Giorgos Landas LLC

Q&A: Giorgos Landas LLC

Iro Petrou and Myria Pornari examine trends and sectors in the Cyprus disputes market

What are the key regulatory frameworks that govern the disputes legal market in Cyprus, and how have recent changes impacted the landscape?

The key regulatory frameworks that govern the disputes legal market in Cyprus are European Union law and constitutional law. For civil disputes in the legal market in Cyprus, the key regulatory frameworks include the Civil Procedure Rules. Moreover, one of the key regulatory frameworks is the Civil Procedure Law, which outlines the procedural rules for dispute resolution in the courts and applies to all civil cases before the courts of Cyprus. The most recent change, regarding the implementation of the new Civil Procedure Rules, has a crucial role in the Cyprus legal system since it is aiming to achieve efficiency and timeliness in the resolution of civil disputes.

Can you provide an overview of the major types of disputes handled by legal professionals in Cyprus, highlighting any emerging trends or areas of growth?

The major types of disputes are commercial disputes arising from business transactions and contractual relationships. Further there are major disputes arising in the construction and real estate field. Our firm handles a wide range of cases regarding banking disputes, representing banks and financial institutions regulated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, as well as disputes arising from construction and real estate agreements and disputes relating to corporate litigation.

How do Cyprus courts typically handle commercial disputes, and what alternative dispute resolution mechanisms are commonly utilised in the jurisdiction?

Cyprus courts encourage parties to settle and resolve the arising commercial dispute at a primary stage. The alternative dispute resolution mechanisms which are commonly utilised in the Cyprus jurisdiction are arbitration and mediation. Both arbitration and mediation offer various advantages in terms of speed, cost, flexibility and confidentiality.

What role does international arbitration play in the Cyprus disputes legal market, and are there any recent developments or notable cases that have shaped this aspect of the industry?

International arbitration serves as a valuable tool in the Cyprus disputes legal market by providing a neutral, enforceable and specialised forum for resolving complex issues in a confidential and flexible manner. In the Cyprus legal system, the Arbitration Law governs the legal framework for disputes referred to arbitration. Contractual and commercial agreements may contain specific clauses for the settlement of any disputes that may arise to arbitration. The most notable cases in respect of the choice of international arbitration process concern disputes that may arise between contractors, employers, and the architects of construction agreements. The recognition, registration, and enforcement of international arbitral orders in the Cyprus legal system are also of considerable importance to ensure the protection and promotion of clients’ interests.

How has the adoption of technology and digital tools affected the practice of dispute resolution in Cyprus, and what opportunities or challenges does this present for legal professionals?

The adoption and development of technology and digital tools has affected the practice of dispute resolution in Cyprus. The courts and lawyers have adopted electronic implements to communicate and speed up court processes which have traditionally been bureaucratic and time-consuming. Technology and digital tools in the Cyprus legal system enable the conduct of dispute resolution proceedings remotely, allowing parties to participate from different locations from the early stages of the litigation until the hearing stage. Adversely, the use of technology introduces concerns related to the security and privacy of sensitive legal information. Additionally, digital tools may lack interpersonal dynamics and non-verbal cues present in face-to-face interactions.

What are the key considerations for businesses and individuals seeking legal representation for disputes in Cyprus, and how do legal practitioners differentiate themselves in this competitive market?

Several key considerations are applicable when businesses or individuals are seeking legal representation in disputes. Specifically, clients often look for lawyers with expertise and specialisation in the relevant area of law related to their dispute. Furthermore, they seek legal professionals who are considered efficient, trustworthy and credible. It is also important for a legal practitioner to provide high-quality services at reasonable costs and handle the litigation in the most effective and time-consuming way and in the best interests of the clients. Certainly, legal practitioners can differentiate themselves by specialising in specific areas of law, becoming experts in niche markets, and demonstrating in-depth knowledge.

How has the Covid-19 pandemic influenced the Cyprus disputes legal market, both in terms of case volumes and procedural changes within the legal system?

The pandemic undoubtedly accelerated the adoption of legal technology solutions and digital tools. In reference to the above-mentioned, the outbreak of Covid-19 resulted in the implementation of the electronic justice system. As regards the case volume of legal disputes, the outbreak of the pandemic had as a consequence a decrease in the submission of legal cases before the courts in Cyprus.

Are there any specific industries or sectors in Cyprus that are particularly prone to disputes, and what specialised expertise do legal professionals need to effectively navigate these areas?

It is beyond any doubt that certain industries are more prone to disputes due to their unique complexities, regulatory frameworks and business dynamics. The commercial, lease, banking and corporate fields are the main sectors which are subject to disputes due to the nature of their operations, complex regulations and various interacting parties. Legal professionals need to have an in-depth knowledge of the legal framework and regulations and need to assess the strengths and weaknesses of each legal case to effectively navigate the disputes.

What are the current trends in legal fees and billing structures within the Cyprus disputes market, and how are clients responding to evolving pricing models?

The current trend in legal fees and billing structures within the Cyprus disputes market is scale of court costs, which are determined according to the amount of the claim of each legal case. The legal fees may exceed the billing structures in specific circumstances. Moreover, legal professionals have the option to not follow the scale of court costs when they provide their legal services by offering legal opinions, drafting contractual agreements and resolutions, and providing migration services. Specifically, lawyers have the option to charge clients at an hourly rate, including everyday tasks related to the project’s completion. Typically, clients provide positive feedback as they recognise the high-quality services offered by these professionals.

How does the geopolitical and economic context of Cyprus impact the disputes legal market, especially in relation to international clients and cross-border disputes?

The geopolitical and economic context of Cyprus can significantly impact the disputes legal market, influencing the types of disputes that arise, the demand for specific legal services, and the business environment for law firms operating in the region. Cyprus has positioned itself as an international business hub, attracting foreign investors and companies. Disputes involving international clients may arise from cross-border transactions, investments or commercial activities. The geopolitical and economic context of Cyprus attracts international clients and consequently cross-border disputes may arise. Furthermore, as countries or regions experience growth like Cyprus, there is a higher likelihood of cross-border transactions, mergers, acquisitions and foreign investments.