Leveraging value from the directories process


Your submissions and content can support wider business development activities, explains Linsay Leslie head of
directories and tenders at MD Communications.

Legal directory submissions have been a regular business development fixture across global legal markets for years – starting with the UK market more than 25 years ago. Participants have undoubtedly become savvier about what it takes to produce compelling submissions. Yet, every year we hear about the significant time and cost involved in completing a …

Tips for junior lawyers on how to get published

Marketing for lawyers

There are many ways a young lawyer can promote themselves, writes UK Bar editor John van der Luit-Drummond, including the fourth estate

There is a general perception that lawyers are bad at marketing themselves. Historically this is true, but things are changing for the better. In the hope of giving the next generation a leg up, this grizzled legal hack was invited to appear at the Young Barristers’ Committee’s annual workshop in June to talk about how …