#MeTooLaw: when firms do the right thing

The big issue

Law firms must take prompt and effective steps to ensure
institutional change and eradicate sexual harassment at work, says Clare Murray, managing partner of CM Murray

It is a year since Paul Philip, chief executive of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), appeared before the Women & Equalities Select Committee to account for the legal sector’s record on addressing sexual harassment at work. That somewhat testing experience for Mr Philip at the hands of MPs, led to an immediate sharpening of the …

Andrey Goltsblat

Hall of fame: Andrey Goltsblat

Managing partner Andrey Goltsblat predicts the biggest challenge for clients in the face of new potential legislation.

What has been your greatest achievement, in a professional and personal capability? The greatest achievement is my team and where we are now. Previously a leading national team, in 2009, after joining forces with the major UK law firm Berwin Leighton Paisner (BLP) and creating Goltsblat BLP, we began offering the market a totally new …

Breaking down barriers: client behaviour in the digital age

The client side

The certainties and confidence that law firms once had that their sector would not be challenged have
proven unfounded, writes Propero Partners
CEO Jonathan Phillips

One thing is certain, there will always be a need for legal services. Less certain, however, is the way these services will be bought and sold moving into the future. As recently as the last decade, the weakening of the traditional partnership model combined with the advent of legal technology has given rise to a …