The Bar
As the latest batch of silks are sworn in, Michelle Heeley QC offers her advice to those at the Bar considering their next big career leap.
Applying for silk is a big step. It’s expensive, it’s stressful, it’s time consuming and yet, every year hundreds of barristers and solicitors put themselves through the tortuous process. If you are considering applying, then this article is written to give you a few things to consider before you send off that cheque for £3,000. …
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Interview with: Nick Thomas
Kennedys’ senior partner talks future proofing for Brexit, the firm’s expansion across Latin America, and why clients should see their lawyers as human beings.
What is the leadership structure at Kennedys? As the senior partner of Kennedys I am supported by a global strategy board which meets monthly. The board includes partners from across our global network of offices, ensuring that global perspectives are always considered in advance of any key developments at the firm. In addition to this, …
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ability is no more than permission to play”
Career corner
The Legal 500 Hall of Famer and Dechert partner Andrew L. Oringer reflects on the ever-changing nature of ERISA and how young lawyers can take advantage of the practice’s ongoing evolution.
I’ve been asked to write about issues facing US lawyers in the area of ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act 1974) and executive compensation (for convenience, I’ll consider the executive compensation practice to be a part of the ERISA practice, in references below). I think the keyword here is ‘change’ – it’s clear to …
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Interview with: Rafael Briz
Mayora & Mayora’s senior partner extolls the virtues of flexible working and work-life balance for associates.
How would you define Mayora & Mayora’s culture? I would define our firm’s culture externally as one that is centred on personalised service to the client. The partners and associates in charge of handling cases know every detail of the case and this allows us to provide an excellent service to the client. Internally, the …
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It doesn’t matter”
Career corner
You don’t have to become an associate straight out of law school to be successful in ‘Big Law’, argues Elizabeth Ross Hadley of Greenberg Traurig.
Many lawyers begin their careers as law firm associates straight out of law school and eventually make partner around eight years later. Law schools sometimes make you feel as if that’s the only path. I, on the other hand, became a shareholder (partner equivalent) at Greenberg Traurig 18 years after finishing law school and after …
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Interview with: Roger Meltzer
DLA Piper’s global co-chair talks about the challenges of
expansion, a commitment to innovation, and building an
organisation that reflects society.
DLA Piper is well known for the size and scope of its network. What are the specific challenges of leading a firm of this size and scope? Excepting the nightmarish logistics associated with time zones and travel, which do unquestionably make leadership positions in global firms more cumbersome, I also generally believe the challenges are …
Continue reading “Law firms must drive social change or lose the talent war”
Diversity and inclusion
Asia Pacific deputy editor Andrea de Palatis speaks to leading partners on mentoring, flexible working, unconscious bias, and how to break Big Law’s glass ceiling
For many women lawyers, a long-term career at the top level of Big Law seems just out of reach. Even in 2019, the centenary year of women being allowed entry to the profession in the UK, it is still widely believed that women cannot ‘have it all’ and must eventually choose between having a family …
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Look beyond the new colour palette and revamped website if you want a successful rebrand, writes Paul Bellamy, director of strategy and business development at SANDS.
Branding processes happen more often than we think. Six companies I have worked in rebranded during my tenure with them; two others immediately after I left them. My experience in the legal profession is limited to commercial law, as CEO of three of Norway’s largest firms, but I have also been fortunate to be involved …
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Editors' views
China editor Bei Zhao reports on what has been keeping PRC and international firms busy and which practices have excelled in the latest rankings.
2019 marks the arrival of the Year of Pig, which is said to bring luck and prosperity to those born into it. Looking at The Legal 500’s latest China rankings, the previous 12 months have certain been good to many firms – 130, in fact – that made it into our expanded 2019 guide. The …
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Politics vs practice
Luca Failla, managing partner of LABLAW Studio Legale, provides an update on the latest labour and employment law issues facing corporates in Italy.
The Italian government’s recent declaration of support for the cause ‘gilets jaunes’ (yellow vest) protesters in France, even going so far as to proclaim ‘don’t give up’, has reinforced their support of the sovereignty of the people of the Republic of France – and at the same time those of the Republic of Italy. Not …
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means new rules of
business in Italy”