fivehundred magazine > > Focus on… Galicia

Focus on… Galicia

Founded in 1994, Galicia has established itself as a frontrunner in the Mexican market while prioritizing the development of a truly people-centered and collaborative culture. Renowned firm for its profound and specialized knowledge in six strategic sectors: financial, energy & infrastructure, private equity, regulated industries, real estate & hospitality and life sciences.

Galicia’s main differentiator in the Mexican market is clear. We are the only Mexican leading firm able to provide a unique legal service offer integrated by strong transactional and regulatory advice coupled with strategic capabilities in litigation and ESG. Galicia has gone to great lengths to accompany its
transactional prowess with very solid regulatory and contentious practices.
Our Environmental and Sustainability Model is conceive as an ever-evolving program that assures equal growth in all four pillars (Talent, Community, Integrity and Environment) with transversal actions supported by ESG standards. This innovative formula allows the fulfillment of all institutional goals in a seamless manner.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is part of Galicia´s core values. The firm’s DEI-driven culture has positioned +21 women in partner, counsel, executive and management positions.

Recognized as 2020 & 2021 Pro Bono Leading Light by the Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice for its innovative contributions and commitment to Pro bono work in Mexico. We are firmly convinced of the advantages of involving all Firm´s collaborators in the Pro bono Program. This work has significantly contributed to the personal development of our lawyers and other professionals. We believe that having an equal access to justice is the way to build a better society.

Galicia is signatory of the UN Global Compact, UN Women Empowerment Principles, The Green Pledge and other international organizations that promote ESG and Climate Change initiatives. In March 2021, the firm formalized its ESG practice and became the only Mexican leading firm, to date, with an integral offer in ESG areas with Tier 1 experts.

As an institution, our guiding principles are:

  1. We are a people-oriented business.
  2. As long as the members of our Firm achieve a better work-life balance, they will become more motivated and happier individuals, and therefore, will become successful professionals.
  3. The firm that integrates a team with the best professionals and human beings will be the leading law firm of the future.
  4. Promoting awareness of the fundamental necessity to help the most vulnerable groups of our community.
  5. To generate internally and with our clients a positive impact through the efficient use of resources and ESG standards.
    6. To become a better organization, less hierarchical, more transparent and much more agile, in which we take care of the people inside by aligning our culture to the highest levels of business ethics and excellence.